Just get rid of luck hit.. no one wants a % chance of a % chance for something mediocore to happen

just remove it seriously. and overpower to

just give me playable builds without all these skills and abilities with pointless RNG elements.

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Sure, games get designed without crits or proc coefficients (aka ā€˜lucky hitā€™ very common game mechanic) all the time. Some with no RNG at all. They do well.

But, like this one, many include those mechanics and also do well.

This game has RNG at its core. And it includes many ā€˜on hitā€™ effects that will continue to be balanced for varying abilities via proc coefficients (lucky hit).

It is very likely you have played, and enjoyed, many games with proc-coefficients, but you never realised that because those games never explicitly told you about them like D4 does.

While you may prefer to not have those mechanics, it is unlikely this game will remove them or RNG in general. Your best bet is to go play a game without them, instead of wanting this game to fundamentally change.

Good luck.

i like lucky hit mechanics. they provide a certain diversity and a new style to builds.

So i wouldnt say ā€œno oneā€ā€¦ maybe ā€œnobody in my roomā€ should be the sentence you are looking for.

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I like lucky hit too

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Lot of builds using Chance to make Vulnerable. Iā€™d say itā€™s more wanted than you think.

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why a chance thoā€¦ just make the skill make them vulnerable

why add the stupid rng element

it does nothing. it dont make the game more fun or interestingā€¦

or at the very least dont make damage or mana regen or actual valuable things lucky hit. and only make fringe things lucky hit. like explosions and special effects that just add ā€œflareā€ to the game. but there should never be any main damage sources or resource gaining behind rng

Why not make everything a crit? Why not all hits overpower? There has to be limits.

This is a Diablo game. A well known series in the ARPG genre. RNG is everywhere. Be glad your chance to hit isnā€™t tied to RNG.

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ā€œI canā€™t understand how to make lucky hit work for me, so remove it from the gameā€


ā€œNo one wants a % chance of a % chance for something mediocre to happenā€ā€¦

Tell that to my Puncture rogue that runs off of victimize and obliterates T100 in the pit. Lucky hit is fine and is just another flavor you can spec into pretty easily.

Lucky hit and procs off lucky hit is fun. You can however build something without lucky hit on anything.

So just dont use anything or any build where lucky hits involved.

Problem solved :white_check_mark: