Juggernaut's Aspect vs +Armor Affix

The Juggernaut’s Aspect from Necromancers is on of the mainlys aspects to a Necromancer Minion’s Thorns-based… In my opinion is one of the most fun archetypes of Necromancers…

But, this aspect has been too weaked on this PTR 2.0. In proportion, a armor affix in a random item is most powerful then Juggernaut’s Aspect on same level. And this is wrong! If the idea is pay 100% evade’s recharge cost to obtain a heavy overcap from armor (the best thing to Thorns necros because bone golem get more thorns from armor), so aspect should give more armor.

On 540 power, my chest affix give 74 armor… and my juggernaut’s aspect on same armor give 49? Its very low if compare the difference (in purpose) of S5 and seasons before. And i see this difference on all random item powers tham I take…

What the reason to use this aspect again if +armor on chests, pants, gloves, etc. will give more points?

[This post inst realy a feedback… Its more to opinions about that]