Joe shelly - “In Diablo 4 Legendaries wont rain from the sky”

I would like to see them and see how easy you have ALL your gear rolls with high / perfect rolls.

Also, saying that you have 4 maxed out characters at 100 doesn’t actually support your argument, instead it makes it even worse because you’ve proven that getting to max level was so fast that it’s not even significant.

Are you playing on SC or HC? would love to see your characters.

You want the game to last 10+ years and you’ve already got 4 maxed out characters? LOL

I’m actually fade up for the drop rate now… I just want to get a Razorplate for thorns build, but after playing few hours per day, I keep getting same unique again and again, but never get the necro ring or razorplate at all, which makes the gaming experience like sh*t… we can’t trade, can’t try the build with reasonable investment, this is so annoying and boring for a gear grinding game

If this were the steam forums I’d assume you were farming for jester points with posts as stupid as yours.

They should call uniques ‘oftens.’

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yea you the only one lol i get lucky if i get legendaries from anything but nightmares! not to mention i play druid and still dont have the tempest roar needed to build any of the endgame werewolf builds that are viable for play in NM’s above 40! it dont be like that for every one homie lol some of us dont have random number generator we have rigged number generator and it makes the gear grind miserable!

Go open a chest of mysteries or do a world boss and you will get 4 legendaries.
Go the the pvp area for 10mins and you will find atleast 3 legendaries for sure on WT4.

The early game balance, difficulty and item drop rate is good, late game sucks.

Oh yes, so many of them and 90% of them garbages one way or the other. Drop rate is fine.

Yeah you are right most of them do suck and thats a design issue.
I think they should remove free aspects from dungeons, Have legendaries become much harder to find and have them always at the maximum.

If it was up to me id remove all the damage multipliers from aspects in general or just remove the whole system from the game, but that will never happen

actually, no, i just want to have a realistic chance of getting an item i want. ideally through a dedicated loot source i can farm until i get it. doesn’t have to be 1 or 10 kills but less than 100

it shouldn’t be “the better the item the less it drops” it should be “the better the item the harder the content you need to beat to get it”

if i can farm uber lilith or tier 100 nm dungeons 20 times a day, i should be able to get every item i want. you need to factor in the time you spent getting there.


I’d never have picked the game up if there was nothing to chase. There’d literally be no point to play if you could get/do everything.

but right now you don’t get it unless you have astronomical luck, which is exactly what you say would make you not play the game

use the carrot on a stick analogy, dangling it right in front of the horse makes it move, having it in vision range makes most horses move, having it on the moon will not.

and the carrot is currently on mars.

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Yes… Yes you are…

No what would make me not play the game is add GM mode. You want it, you got it. It’s boring. It’s fun for a little bit until you realize there is no purpose. Why level when I can be max level. Why farm gear when I can summon it.

I would rather have 100s of items id never see than be able to have them all.

First, thing that ruins the game is knowing everything that exists… Before it exists.

Second thing is 95% of the stuff that exists you can get today if you log on and play for a couple hours. And of those items I only have to be in WT4 to get a reasonably good item that I apply these aspects to.

As I have said numerous times, I’d rather have to choose my build based off what drops I actually get, not build my build based off what can drop.

Judging by a lot of the reponses and other posts on these forums…

No…no i am not…

you are fighting a strawman here

Actually the original topic was about too many items dropping which I clearly agree with. The straw man argument is your argument about too rare of items, so I agree with you for once I am fighting a straw man argument you’ve created. Too rare of items has nothing to do with too many items dropping.

I got 0 legendaries in my first 33 levels. The first 33 levels on my first character took a couple days.

I’m 90 now and my clear speed is fast. I can fill every open slot in my inventory with legendaries in an hour.

I think this is absolutely and totally fine. If the drop rate were low to where I only got a few; you’d never get any until you got to WT4 and obtained a good clear speed. It would take an eternity to get that clear speed, because you wouldn’t be getting aspects.

This is a complaint from someone that doesn’t understand math or probability.

Blizzard did lower the drop rate; because in the beta they were dropping like they are now with my clear speed, except the beta was capped at level 25 and we didn’t have this clear speed.

No lies detected. This is a nothing complaint.

Legendary items are literally just rares with an aspect. Calling them legendaries is silly. Uniques are the real legendaries.

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That is your problem.

114 Aspects can be unlocked and stored in your Codex, but there are many more that can only be found from random drops.

I still need better aspects as i level up. And if i find upgrade i need a good aspect to imprint it right? coz finding a legendary that would be upgrade is very slim chance, so upgrading rare with good aspect is immportant if you want to be strong :slight_smile: Not even talking about those aspects that can be only found on items…they quite rare and getting a good roll is not that easy.
But i would also reduce how offten they drop, i would also remove uniques from NM dungeon rewards.

Im level 65 and have had 0 legendaries drop.