January is Butcher Awareness Month!

So everyone’s favorite angry meat sack shows up in the new Rootholds. I had chosen the “+3s to potion cooldown” and “+3s cooldown on evade” options because normally I don’t need them fighting headrotten… then I heard it… “Fresh meat!” Fortunately I was only on Hard leveling a new Druid but be aware he can, and will, show up in rootholds.

Given they’re one of the few places the Altars can appear it’s best to plan for our meat obsessed friend.


Apart from the Butcher’s ability to also spawn in the new dungeons, was there something in the patch notes regarding an increase in spawn rate? I could swear that I’ve encountered him as often in this season as I did in all past seasons combined. Every third or fourth dungeon had him running around…

He’s bound by Blizzard streaky RNG. I’ve only seen him once all season.