Item tooltip flashes

Thx, I just came here to report the same thing. So, add one more vote to the fact that this is a real issue, if there were any doubts.

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Same bug here. Gets really annoying when you are trying to compare items, and the tooltip disappears every second for 1 second

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Thought I had solved the problem by exiting/restarting certain apps. Upon TP to Kyovashad, problem resumed immediately. I exited everything again, no change to blinking. 1.1.1 is what started it for me as well. Moving away from players seems to help. Clearly a game issue.

To everyone who is not having this problem, good for you. To anyone who thinks that this problem is not wide spread because not everyone is having this issue, that’s not how any of this works.

Since it tends to stop when moving away from players, I’m going to wildly speculate without an ounce of real evidence that this is the beginning of what happens when they add too many stash tabs to the inventory system that some sophomore comp sci intern programmed for diablo 3. j/k not really.

+1 to this issue. PITA.

This fixxed my flash

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This started for me with this patch: HOTFIX 1 - August 9, 2023 - 1.1.1

Super annoying.

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I’m having the exact same issue and was before the patch too. I had a feeling it might be players moving behind the inventory screen, but it even does it when know one this there (I think, it’s hard to tell!) Super annoying!

I never saw it before 1.1.1, but its been happening here too ever since. Only seems to be legendaries though.

Glad it helped. Hope it works for others until it gets fixed. Pretty frustrating!

I am also constantly having this issue since 1.1.1

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Just confirming here that Malgeist’s suggestion to uncheck Advanced Tooltip Information worked, however, that makes working on your build a nightmare. I took note on PR083’s comment that player movement triggers the flickering. I tried to find a corner of Kyovshad with no one around but the snow particles were still causing the issue. Went up into the room and sat to the right of the wardrobe and zoomed in completely - flickering goes away and both Advanced Tooltip options are turned on.

Issue also only appeared for me after most recent patch.

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also happening to mee :confused:

Also experiencing this. Thanks for all you do Blizz.

Getting the same flicker when trying to view my gear stats…pretty frustrating when trying to see the stats. Please fix!

Still ongoing issue.

WHAT THE EF Blizzard!

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Worked for me thank u sir✌️

It is so annoying bug ,I play the game only if i forget about it. None of the solutions work for me.

pain :

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Same issue here on PC, started with patch 1.1.1.
Didn’t have this issue before.

this worked for me as well. Thanks for figuring out this workaround!

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This seems to be tied to interaction between others players walking around taking priority over the item hover selection. To test I turned off cross network play and went to town and there were no players walking around and I had zero issues until another random player showed up and went to sell at the same vendor and the flicker happened when he ran up and again when he ran away.

I have not yet tested the workarounds or solutions other players have posted but this at least seems to be the reason this is happening once the bug is introduced, I suspect this is likely a graphics driver update interaction and a stored value that is then cleared with turning on and off this tooltip setting and saving in between.

Edit: workarounds posted here do no work form me, performed a clean driver installation of nvidia driver ver 527.56 and went into in game settings > Graphics > clicked “Reset to Defaults” button on bottom of the screen. This has not fully resolved the issue but at least drastically reduced it’s occurrence to the point where I can no longer reproduce reliably, however it does still happen. (Clean re-installation of driver alone did not fix the issue)

My list of default graphics as this will be different for each player based on PC specs.
Display : Windowed full screen
Sharpen Image : 6
Font Scale: Medium
Cursor Scale: Small
HDR: yes
Vertical Sync: Yes
Limit Cutscene FPS: Yes
Lock cursor: No
Color Blind Filter: Off
Resolution Percentage: 100%
NVIDIA DLSS: Off (this was on before)
Frame Generation: No (disabled by DLSS being toggled off)
Max Foreground FPS : 150
Max Background FPS: 8
NVIDIA Reflect Low Latency: Enabled
Quality Preset: High
Texture Quality: High
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x
Shadow Quality: High
Dynamic Shadows: Yes
Soft Shadows: Yes
Shader Quality: High
SSAO Quality: Medium
remaining item quality levels are on highest setting.
Distortion: Yes
Low FS: No

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