It is sad you are asking us to spend more money when the game is still broken

Blizzard is now introducing the Vessel of Hatred and asking us to spend more money without fixing the game. We have basically been beta testing DIV since it was released because instead of waiting until the game was done, Blizzard rushed it out to the public. Now, after creating a very broken tempering system, they are asking us to spend more money and not even planning on fixing the problems with tempering. I have bricked more items than I am using, there should be a choice to keep what you have or accept the new power so that players can at least try to upgrade the percentages on their affixes, and so many useless powers are heavily weighted while the useful powers barely make an appearance. To claim that it is a RNG is silly when the chances of getting the exact same result four times in a row with four possible powers is one in 256, it has happened to me more times than I can count. Fix your broken game, then ask us to spend more money on it. You drove away so many players by releasing a broken game that I am reluctant to spend more money on it for fear that many others on the verge of leaving and this new money grab will drive them over the edge.


the base game still receives updates, so i guess just dont buy VoH and wait til everything is to your liking?

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You would think reading people post would be something fundamentally wrong only to end up realizing it’s another post about bricking an item. At this point I’m convinced it’s just getting Rick rolled d4 style.


While I agree tempering is annoying at times, it wouldn’t be much fun to get everything you want immediately and have nothing left to grind for. That’s kind of the point. D3 you could run rifts for weeks without getting the exact drop you want. A lot of games have a similar feeling albeit the circumstances are different.

IMO it is sad that people who didnt purchase the expansion can post in this sub forum. It would be nice to have ateast one part of the forum kept for threads from players who actually play the game.


:point_up_2: Thank you why in the world are they talking about tempering in the VoH forum when they can do it :point_down:

Agreed. I insta-bought VoH. :rofl: I’ll play the game when it’s great, good, mediocre, struggling and bad. Idc. Lol.

Exactly… I’ll repost my suggestions here.

1- There shouldn’t be any RNG attributed to which affix you get, only for the strength of the roll. Tempering is a limited ressource, it’s a miserable feeling to throw away an item because it fails to give you an essential affix.

2- Have an option for preselected affix for each gear, have a button to automatically temper any equipped item (that hasn’t been tempered yet) with it’s preset affix. This will allow people to quickly switch gear while leveling so we don’t have to spend hours rolling instead of leveling. This feature will not effect already tempered items so you won’t wast rolls on them.

3- Also, if you want to manually reroll on an item, you shouldn’t have to reselect the manual over and over. Just let us choose the affix and reroll it’s range and have it only choose the highest roll, again, rolls have a set limit so just give people what they want. There’s already plenty of RNG involved in getting gear, greater affixes being the main one, and we play seasons, so there’s no reason to make it so difficult to get ideal gear within one season. We don’t need another hamster wheel in the form of “bricking” items because of bad tempering. It’s a very, and I mean very unpleasant feeling and 2 of my friends have already quit over it after coming back for this season.