Is Uber Lilith Broken on Consoles? - BUG?

Hello Guys,

I have been trying to kill Uber Lilith on Xbox Series X on the last 4 days. I don’t know if you are experiencing the same issue as I’m and this is the idea of this topic. Check if more people has the same problem.

By the way, I’m playing Necromancer Bone Spear Build. Doesn’t matter how much damage you cause on her, she will not die, looks like there is a lock on 2% health that prevents you to insta kill her, this does not happen on PC.

I’m posting down some tries that I made where is possible to see what I am talking about.

1st try

2nd try

3rd and 4th tries on youtube, the forum do not let me post more than 2 links.

Once she got 2% heath, a sequence of hit kill attacks start and just don’t stop. There is no space to kill her.

Devs please take a look on the videos, please.

yes it looks like a bug

it’s clear that it’s some bug in the game

Isnt she supposed to transform at that amount of hp? soo defo a bug. she was there for a while. didnt transform, and you ended up dying because of it. So yeah looking like shes glitched.

And you seem to not understand, that she isnt entering phase 2. and is stuck at X amount of health, no matter how much damage is dealt to her. You can clearly see op is doing massive amounts of damage to her quickly.


Everyone thanks you for that.


I think this guy Billy didn’t even see the video that I have posted.

Unfortunately we have this kind of people on our community.
I’m not asking for help, just checking if someone else is facing the same problem.


On PS5 fight starts 1:30

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Holy crap, Dude. You have no idea what you’re talking about and just keep making yourself look more and more retarded by digging your hole deeper with every post.

You’re too dumb to post here so please F off

This bug has been known since the pre-season. It happens when you kill the Adds / Blood Orbs at a particular time in her escape animation. Once this bug is triggered, Lilith becomes immortal and flies away again and again. I have also encountered this bug a few times. The first time, I dodged the spikes for a few minutes with no end in sight.

Normally, her immortal status is canceled when all adds have been destroyed. Apparently, in some cases the kill of an add is not tracked correctly.

It is indeed a very good training to adapt to the different spike patterns, but the try is then definitely cooked. This happens also on PS5 and PC.


Charming. Go outside.


You’re so close to grasping this. Good luck!

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Retarded, dumb,…
Impressive how these kids communicate these days. Grow up kid!


I agree with your intentions and even attitude in the beginning because that is normally the truth.

I have to deal with bugs far worse than Uber Lilith. Check my post.

However a little bit more attention to detail would have been approved.

When you actually wrote back I first thought was,

“Not his last post”, or her with a masculine name. I suspect that you must be Asian, or Pacific islander by how you wrote some things. I suspect that you might actually be a female as well again on how you write some things.

Thank you for making us laugh. You do prove a point, several points to be honest and quite a few in your favor. But please do pay attention to details a little bit more.

It is droll how you speak of communication, yet use the descriptives you did in the post above.

“Insults are the last resort of insecure people with a crumbling position trying to appear confident”

Maybe it is you that needs to grow up?

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Psychologically you are correct.

I am encouraged, finally, that I’m not the only one who understands these things.

If you have to cuss at someone to make your point you do not need to be communicating with that person.

If you have to raise your voice to get them to understand or listen then you don’t need to be communicating with that person.

You’re wasting your time effort and energy in most cases because they do not care nor will they ever care for the right reasons.

You have to appeal to their survival instincts, fight or flight. Then they will be forced to listen.

However in the end you are still wasting your time effort and energy that other people would greatly appreciate.

I am finally learning to not cast my pearls before swine.

It took me long enough, the reality is harsh and I hope it wasn’t so but it was.

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Eh buh eh buh eh buh, Billy boy.

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Bump. Uber lilith needs to be reworked.

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I keep wondering about Blizzards scaling idea.
Either Echo of Lilith has too much HP if they intended for less scaling, or not enough if they wanted player dps to explode like it does.
But otherwise I dont see why a rework would be required (just fixing existing bugs would make it much easier already).

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Maybe thats right, but we agree something needs to change, even if its a bug fix.

It is a bug. There is no keep alive to progress to the next phase when that happens. She gets locked into that state and infinitely dive bombs. You could stay alive for the entire day and she would still be infinitely dive bombing. This has been bugged since launch.