Is there a reason the pit has more than 1 floor?

Why is there even 2 floors. And why are there even dead ends… I remember greater rifts in Immortal and D3 were just infinite no matter what direction you chose, and once the bar reached full, it closed off the path leading forward. There’s so much down time in certain areas where it’s empty, and then switching to the next map just seems pointless.

Just make the map infinite no matter what direction you go, then have the map close itself once the bar is full in a single map… Please. Thanks


No, there is no reason.

And I also find this unnecessary to have two floors.

I believe it’s to have more looding… more time in your games.

Probably to make the higher tiers a bit more random. For instance, I personally don’t like the levels that have the spiders. There isn’t nothing I can really do about it if spiders are on the second floor.

Sucks when you clear all mobs in floor 2 and do not spawn bossportal… have to go back to floor one and kill some mobs there, happend to me a couple of times.

I can’t speak for Immortal, but, ummm, D3 rifts have floors man. It’s not a single infinite floor…


You remember wrong

GRifts were not infinite and had floors, moreso, they had a limit on floors too (it was 5 floors if i remember correctly)

The reason is probably that creating an infinite dungeon costs a lot more resources than a limited one

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The spiders that shoot the frost web stuff are OP

Yeah ur right about that. I’m thinking immortal. But I mean… They should know how many mobs it’s gonna take and how many elites it takes to finish the bar. Just put like 15 percent over the bar with mobs and make it a single floor

They do, but that means nothing since you dont know how the player will play

In D3, the main strategy was to ignore all the mobs and go Elite Hunting, so the value the mobs give to the bar would be very low

Now, what if someone ignore the mobs AND the Elites with certain affixes? Then suddenly even if you take into account Elites, you would need a bigger dungeon

And even if you do get a dungeon big enough, it would be a waste of resources on most of the players that dont ignore all that. All that to avoid a click on a Portal?

Its not worth it, its much better and efficient to do it the current way

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Often it’s better flow, if you go to another floor, rather than returning and finding new mobs… That complain is very silly to me