Is the necromancer buggy or what? (other section)

I opened this thread in another section of the forum but perhaps it is better to post it in the general discussions (even if I am asking the question that perhaps the necromancer is buggy); reposted here because no one reads or responds in that section; I hope it’s not a problem for the site staff.

I heard that the necromancer is messed up, really broken in terms of bugs, Rob had already made a few billion even with the druid with the bulwark/boulder build, but no one is playing it, but he himself is playing the necromancer and an Italian youtuber named Cyber Luk said in a video that there are necromancer builds that are buggy for some reason that I don’t even understand (he was talking about an aspect that creates an affix on the golem I think…).
So first we had HOTA which was broken and now we have skelton mancer? Is it ever possible to balance this game even a little? Because it deserves as a video game but if the classes are so unbalanced and messed up then the desire goes away, I’m not saying to strengthen the others but to fix this possible bug in the necromancer’s builds which allow him to do billions of damage and close Pit (if he were) to lv 140 oneshotting all the mobs on the map including the bosses. Come on…

Necro isn’t bugged.

This is the result when you give minions 100 percent of players stats

I’m not just talking about the player’s afk, I’m talking about the billions of damage that a particular skill applied to one aspect of the golem seems to do, it seems to be slightly buggatella due to the billions and billions of damage it does!

well its a combination of quite a few multiplicative damage sources. nothing buggy on that.

If something works as not expected - it’s a bug, bug in design

well, combining multiple multiplicative damage sources to a skill is supposed to exponentially increase the damage. that is expected behaviour. could it use a balance adjustment? maybe.

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I agree with this, if it’s exceeding expectations that’s different then the system not working as intended. If a car can reach a max speed of 250 mph (402 kph) but the specs say it should only do 210 mph (338 kph) max, then it’s exceeding expectations, but it’s definitely working as intended.

Now this doesn’t mean it doesn’t need adjustments, just means it’s not bugged. Terminology is important here.

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Same old story. Blizzard massively struggle with scaling.