Is the hotfix still set for today? (Thursday, 6/20) UPDATED

You mean harder - they aren’t trash

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total trash. Diablo4 is just flat fun most of the time. those games are pathetic overly complicated crap for no reason.

Honestly, D4 is a bit complicated as so much stuff is either

Non intuitive
Not working as intended
Or a combination of the above

With some of these being present since launch.


Zzz :zzz:I hope they can do this little FIX before they leave work.

What’s wrong with rapid fire?

They still have issues with Rapid Fire?

It looks like andariel visage is fixed. Seems to be proccing the poison dot at range now. Or am i wrong?

In fact, some guy found that Rapid fire with Repeat Aspect & unequipped SK-ring will disappear (only 1 or 2 shot launched) :rofl:
Most people are equipped with SK-ring, so almost no one notices this bug :sweat_smile:(Even I think that this bug may not affect 99.99% of people, but it is indeed a bug)

Not to mention Blizzard provides little to no information about the game. Not in the game, or on their website. We’re just expected to figure it out, watch a streamer, or find a 3rd party website. At least PoE has quite extensive information that can not only be found on their website, but in game as well.


I tested it, and it does work at ranged now, and the visual and damage effects match…

Ok cool. I thought i was just seeing stuff lol. Randomly started working a bit ago.

Blizzard are a bit of an anamoly when it comes to this. Every other game Ive ever played you could count on the official website for news and info of whats coming next. That is sort of the purpose of having an official website in the first place. You
post the new info on your website and THEN share it from the site to any third party sites. That is like web marketing 101.


They dont do this for d4 as they dont even know at this point. Better not to show the public, they have poor QC


That fix it?   


I’m glad that the Andy’s bug has been fixed now that I’m 91 already.

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Don’t even need Repeating aspect and/or Scoundrels Kiss to have the issue.

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Now release the un edited expansion trailer.

shielding storm aspect from bone storm keep with no buffs

Does Blizzard not test patch changes? I mean, if they would have tested the changes regarding Andariel’s visage for example, they would have seen immediately that it was bugged.

So my suggestion to Blizzard would be to test each and every change for obvious bugs before releasing a patch with changes. That is called professional.

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Just played after the latest patch and all seems well with my character. Have to admit that I was wrong in that I did have the Repeating Aspect, which I had recently attached. So, that is where the issue was, with that aspect. Thanks for the efforts!!