Is the hotfix still set for today? (Thursday, 6/20) UPDATED

Read on twitter that there was a hotfix that was tested yesterday, and set to be released today. Is that confirmed?
EDIT: 13 min ago


Pretty bummed that for a week of the xp buff no bolts were to be hadā€¦its too boring leveling more alts without holy bolts flying all over the place.

If they donā€™t extend the xp buff, my 2nd rogue is just going to get deleted.


Pretty bummed that I leveled a rogue from 1-96 and just now realized visage is still bugged and missing itā€™s buff.

Yes Barbarians have been hotfixed to have only 1 weapon and have to also wait 10 seconds after shouting to prevent sore throat.


where is it on twitter i didnt find anything ā€¦

why the hell they dont post on forums ā€¦ its such as trash company


ā€œGot a build being generated but needs a testing pass. Took a while to repro. Since Weds is a US holiday, it probably will be Thursday. It should have some other fixes as well that some people noted with 1.4.3.ā€ @PezRadar 6/18/24 9:23PM EST


Itā€™s still only 6am for the blizzard are so weā€™ll probably not get any updates for a few hours.

Why do you support them? Seems pretty hypocritical.


I love D2 and D4 is still best on market, poe and le is trash.

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If you need help leveling, I got you homie

Usually updates drop at 6/21 3:00am MLA time, so thatā€™s an hour from now. Weā€™ll see in an hour if the hotfix finally comes out.

As long as they fix Andarielā€™s in the hotfix Iā€™m happy.

Iā€™m right there with you. I need 100% of what was in the patch notes.

What they need to fix is rapidfire.


You mean harder - they arenā€™t trash

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total trash. Diablo4 is just flat fun most of the time. those games are pathetic overly complicated crap for no reason.

Honestly, D4 is a bit complicated as so much stuff is either

Non intuitive
Not working as intended
Or a combination of the above

With some of these being present since launch.


Zzz :zzz:I hope they can do this little FIX before they leave work.

Whatā€™s wrong with rapid fire?

They still have issues with Rapid Fire?

It looks like andariel visage is fixed. Seems to be proccing the poison dot at range now. Or am i wrong?