Is the game too scary/disturbing?

Athiests, by definition worship nothing. So no, they do not worship Satan, but the person who told you lies about them certainly does. And they are leading YOU down a bad path. Reject their false propheting, reject Mammon.

if anything, it’s not quite scary or disturbing enough but it’s fair-ish I suppose. It’s much better than D3 was anyway imo. I prefer the darker color pallet use this time around as well as the more semi-realish look as opposed to the cartoony bright version last time.

Good effort to try and flip the script, but it ain’t working.

Truth hurts only those who’s faith is weak.

Honestly, the grossest part of the game for me was fighting the cannibals in the city where you can hear them crunching on stuff while you walk up to them.

The game has a fair bit of gore, but I’m looking at it like Mortal Kombat at this point. It’s just there and over the top on purpose.

Don’t speak of faith, your mouth fouls the words.

I’ll pray for you, but only you can reject Mammon, and that begins by shunning the false prophets leading you towards him.

Well it’s a game about fighting literal Hell. Expecting sunshine and rainbows is silly. Not really scary though. Just dark and violent.

I have to laugh at the people who claim games like Diablo are made for worshipping demons.

The story is literally you fighting against demons and killing them.

You work on the side of the light and Angels to defeat the demons and someone thinks it is demon worshipping?

Well obviously they never thought to actually investigate what the game is about.


:ok_man:t6:You in the wrong neighborhood.

OP seriously what a beta question, grow some :baseball::baseball:

He doesn’t need to grow. He needs to be free of his fleshy prison. He doesn’t even know about the Clive Barker’s Hellraiser easter egg yet, Cenobite.

The last time I was scared by a game was House Beneviento in Resident Evil VIII. :fearful: THAT last part was nuts. I stopped playing for a week, until I hopped up myself on Voodoo Ranger Juice Force and blasted All They Fear is You

Diablo ain’t nearly as scary.

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jesus will save him lol

Less than .01% of people below 150K a year get audited thats effectively ZERO%, most who get audited make multiple millions you know why? They settle on a % payoff because the IRS knows they can pay. Corporations get hit the most in the US you know why? Payoffs because the IRS knows they can pay. The IRS doesn’t go after small fish unless they are criminals fleecing the system and the DEA uses the IRS as a means to an end. Ask me how I know.

The only game that I’ve ever thought was scary is the forest. That game I’m always paranoid

:tumbler_glass::person_in_tuxedo:t6: Tell me Asglarek… how do you know? Also, do you like snow :cloud_with_snow:?

I’m a former Policy Analyst for the Department of Treasury under Sec. Bentson.

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Mmm. Id also like to ask you a few other things, but… :shushing_face:I’ll stay on the DL.

90+% of Americans make less than %150k/yr .01% of 300 million people is still a very large number. You didn’t make the argument you thought you were making. And I’m not sure admitting to being a tax cheat is the flex you think it is.

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