Is Spiritborn the only class now?

Everything else worse by a factor of 10 or more. Significantly more squeeze required for a lot less juice.

Is it better to leave the game for a few seasons?


how else they get people to buy dlc?


Nope. But its the shinny for S6. Those who want an OP meta then yes.


I play a Dance of Knives rogue on T4.

I call it “Me and the SBs”


My barb can kill trash mobs in the helltide in T4. Eventually.

If an elite shows up it’s like I’m fighting an old uber boss.


Yes SB is the only class until they nerf the ever living life out of it like they did with:

multiplicative damage
hoa barb
lightning ball
twisting blades
lightning spear
bash barb
heartseeker rogue
temper percentages
literally every item you ever farmed and saved between S1-S5 in eternal
eternal glyphs and paragon
eternal characters in general

wow it seems the whole ‘we wont nerf things we will lift weak things up’ promise by the devs got thrown right out the window.


If the spiritborn class didn’t exist, would the experience be playable? or is there content apart from highest reaches of the pit that isn’t attainable?

Or does your enjoyment hinge on your relative performance to the Spirit born class? That is, if you can be the best barb would that mean nothing if it wasn’t as strong as the worst SB?

Trying to get an understanding if there can be any enjoyment you can have independent of always focusing on the SB’s performance. If you’re playing in an area where an SB is not present, do they still affect you?

I feel like older games didn’t have this problem cause we didn’t have youtube and stuff feeding us other people’s measuring sticks to beat ourselves with.


I havent seen a single spirit born today. Theyre all invisible now because of running the quadrillion damage meta that includes bac bac bac bac bac baaaaac… SHROUD OF FALSE DEATH :see_no_evil:


If you are not having fun, then sure, you should not play.

I am having a lot of fun carrying groups with my Quill Volley SB. I started with rogue, got my first 200 paragon with dance of knives and then tried the SB. You are right, it is just so much stronger, and its fun to play.

So, only play if its fun. It is a game, after all.

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Depends on what you find fun and how well you handle the other kids having a big slice of cake. Right now I’m having fun with my weak barb. I haven’t tried spiritborn yet.

You forgot Druid. Nothing specific about them, just the entire class.

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Yes, D4 forum mods just deleted my thread about it for no reason, it had 100 likes, they are trying to mitigate criticism.

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When the OP meta is 1million times the next class…it’s literally the only class.


Is anyone surprised that the SB class is strong? “Most” people saw it coming and started a SB build. Those who did not, chose to play a class they knew was going to be weak, and are now here complaining about the choice they made.

The season is less than 2 weeks old. Rather than complaining maybe you should try the new class. You can have a decent build in a couple weeks and enjoy being OP for the next month or two. You can return to your build when they nerf SB for S7 (like most people).

This is such a stupid argument.

I literally rolled a SB after my sorc

It took me 8 hours to get to pit 85 with trash gear I found in caches. This in comparison to the week it took me to get my sorc to pit 85.

It was boring from the start, to the end when I was literally invincible in T4. I got tired of it almost immediately. In fact I WISH I could play the class without all the bugs so it actually had some for of challenge going for it. How is it fun to demolish literally everything at all points in the game?

No one is regretting anything except for how lame the current class balance is.


If you want to trivalize the hardest difficulty in the game, then yes, there is only the spiritboring.

If you want long term fun and challenge, there are 5 other classes.

For me I found Bash Barb in S4 incredibly boring to play. The Quill Volley play style feels very much the same approach. Same all action bar skills, then stand in place with attack until mob dies. Maybe use the vortex to pull them back in occasionally instead of steel chain. For all intents and purposes, the cadence is the same.

I really miss having a viable high end fast farming AOE build to play.

This game would be amazing if the Spiritborn wasn’t in it. In an alternate reality where SB was never implemented Blizzard is recieving massive acclaim for the expansion. Not 3/10 scores like they are now.

Playing for no reason than to have the highest Pit clears is a little odd to me, but it should be expected that the new class will be what nearly everyone plays for a bit. Some classes have it rougher for sure, especially if they don’t use meta builds, but T4 is achievable by most if you’re willing to accept the idea that there should be some challenge in the game. The OP Spiritborn stuff right now is primarily appealing to those who are playing only for power fantasy. It’s fun for a bit but many seem to be tiring of it pretty quickly. :sweat:

Never played Druid because I don’t want to normalize unhealthy body standards but I’ll agree.