Is spirit born class a druid sub species?

Smells like druid, looks like druid, talks like Witch Doctor.

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When was the last time you smelled a Druid? :face_vomiting:


In what way does it resemble a druid?

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A topic saying that the spiritborn is a different flavor of druid, how original!

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Blizzcon 2024, how bout you?


No it doesn’t.

No it doesn’t.

No it doesn’t.

There’s a dozen threads on this already, so you’re either lazy, or trolling/gaslighting.

In no way shape or form does the spiritborn resemble a druid. Not one tiny bit.

Or better yet, Vixen from The Arrow, when she’s fighting Damien Dahrk. That’s spot on.

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Looks like a Druid that took on America Ninja Warrior

Druid? Monk, bro. Druid is far off

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Yup, SpiritBorn is D3 Monk on steroids, with the occasional summon :smiley:

To be precise, it is a subclass of witch doctor (or even monk)

The druid draws his power from nature as a whole, including natural disasters, while Spiritborn is based on spirits born from people’s beliefs and souls.

In other words, the druid bases his powers on physical aspects of the world of Sanctuary, while the Spiritborn relies on spiritual aspects.

The druid uses what has always existed in Sanctuary, something that has always had power, while the Spiritborn uses something that arose after the birth of humans and has become more powerful over time.

Jungle Monk with some badass friends.

no, its not a new druid. it remember a bit the monk with fresh new steroids.

jungle monk :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It looks like another 2D isometric pixel construct going Ka-Boom!

It’s just a guy that likes to run around in a cat suit that doesn’t make it a druid.

Catman prowls the night.

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Udyr jungler……. Oh wait

catman, that’s pretty spot on.

for me its a witch doctor just called different, great witch doctor was my favorite in d3.