Is Kor Dragan Stronghold event bugged?

I have cleared 2 of the 3 vampiric incubators but the 3rd is like stuck. Mobs keep spawning but it just spawns the lower level mobs and never spawns higher and higher level mobs or the boss to progress the stage so I’m stuck at like 80% on the “vampiric corruption” progress bar.


I too am experiencing this, but two of the three are bugged. I am also stuck at about 80% on the corruption progress bar. The zone is cleared out, nothing left to kill. The one boil keeps spawning minions but they don’t progress the bar at all. Frustrating.

edit: Took like fifteen minutes double and triple checking every inch of the fort, but there was one of the small size abomination things tucked away in a corner that I had missed. No bug, just kinda bad map design.


I found a “stuck” mob inside a little room with a chest. I thought “AHA! that’s it!” but after killing it the thing still didn’t progress any farther. :frowning: I have also gone back several times over many days and it’s no different.

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I came here because I was having similar problems. This page was very helpful. The comments made here got me thinking, especially the comments about the stuck vampiric corruption bar and about something being missed. I dug in deeper and found what I had missed. Based on this, I don’t think there is a bug, it’s simply a matter of having to search a pretty big area and finding everything required. I wish you the best.

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I too as we speak am having this same issue which was ported from before the seasonal patch up until now. Its still the same issue and no one else is saying anything about it as if it dosnt effect them or game play. Im trying to finish all the Strongholds.

So I was having trouble finishing this too, and ended up in this post. Thing is the quest is not bugged to the point it cannot be completed, it’s the quest markers that are bugged. So how did I finish this and what is the matter? I entered the area, and gonne straight to the mini-map markers as soon as they appeared. Then at the point that 1 incubator (the north one) was down but two to go, my quest tracker said I had to kill blabla Knights, and the only red dot markers appearing were around the incubators, and as said here, were only low level mobs that spawned from time to time. The progress was not going up by killing them dispite the fact that enimies with the exact same name were spawing. What you actually have to do is to do a rundown in the whole area, searching for other mobs and other little incubators. By going to every part of the area I could them finish the Stronghold. Hope this helps, and really hope that Blizz fix the quest markers and tracker, it is trully misleading.

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Just to add to this, it still seemed to be bugged when I was trying to complete it when reading this had me go look for more. There is hiding in rooms and areas mini pustules with mobs. I think it’s these mini corruptions’ that have to be found and gotten rid of to allow the large one to be attacked and when they are gone the elites needed spawn. Had I known this to start it would have been so quick and easy. So look around up and down through the rooms, find the mini pustules with the mobs near it and kill it off and you should be good to go.

I just ran into this same dumb problem, horrendous design

Super frustrating. I have killed everything, smashed everything, clicked on every clickable thing. I can walk up to final boss but fight won’t initiate and corruption bar sitting at 95% ANNOYING

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Amazing that I created this topic back in June and people are still having this problem in December. I see the crack D4 team is on the case!

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I always could finish this everytime, multiple times, over many many characters. Now, I can’t. Always need to kill one (1) more Sanguine Knight. Tried several attempts, can open every incubator, can even entire the Boss area BUT the boss is NOT activated because I still need to kill one more knight. Gave up after, I think 7 tries.

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can open every incubator, can even entire the Boss area BUT the boss is NOT activated

I just ran into the same issue now. If it is a bug it does not appear to have been fixed.


Correct. They refuse to fix it. Other strongholds can do it too.

This is absolutely still bugged and is likely to be the straw for me to quit playing this game and never pick it back up. Ive been thinking people have been too negative towards d4 in general but now i get it after spending hours on every world tier trying to clear this stupid bugged pos that shouldve been fixed long ago. Ive tried every strategy i can find on the internet, still broken. I can clear everything, get to the fimal room, everything still stuck frozen not finishable. Ive nuked every tiny pustule in every stupid little corner of every gd centimeter of the whole area and beyond several times and while it may be a stupid design flaw for some, its definitely bugged incompletable for me. Ive beaten it at least 5 times before in past seasons. I think maybe it bugs now because i strarted it when there was a legion event there (which i couldnt do because i hadnt cleared it, but going to clear it during the event i think must be what caused the bug, but it seems unfixable). Im beyond frustrated, but partly glad to be done with this game for good.

Why so impatient? I only posted the OP a year ago. I’m sure they are hard at work figuring out how to bundle the fix with some skins for 29.99. That’s not easy!

It was quite difficult but i found the last bubble-thingy hidden in a room. Thanks for the help! It took me more than half an hour XD

Was there a competition on how to design the most frustrating, asinine Stronghold? No direct quest markers. After roaming and tediously getting the major corruptions vulnerable and dead, my cathedral opened up. Yet the stronghold marked only 90% of the corruption cleared. I scoured every inch of the stronghold again and again. Boss still would ignore me.