Is Druid Just a Worse Barb

I really dont get why there is such a difference between Barb and Druid skills. The biggest examples I can think of:

Rupture vs Howl - 40% attk speed for 5 seconds; 15% attack speed for 4 seconds. Rupture can be reset in similar ways or even on bosses with a unique too.

Furious Whirlwind vs Toxic Claws - 40% base damage done as bleed; Critical strikes do 12% base damage as poison (plus Barb has Berserk Ripping to add on top of this). Druids is conditional on a crit and a lower amount even with full investment of 3 points.

Hemorrhage vs Heightened Malice - increased bleeding based on a multiplicative amount off your Vulnerability; flat 45% damage boost on multiple enemies (useless on bosses). Would almost prefer a similar paragon node for Druid to scale poison or just make it a 45% vs bosses too.

Gushing Wounds vs Lupine Ferocity - hard to compare but both focus on crit chance but one sees play, the other doesnt; think Lupine Ferocity should work in a similar way to scale poison damage (plus if we could revert Grizzly Rage to stack crit dmg, could really help Werewolf poison).

Counteroffensive vs Stone guard - same damage multiplier while Fortified but Druid’s only applies to Earth skills, so again, just a worse option.

Aggressive Resistance vs Iron Fur - 12% damage reduction while berserking; 9% damage reduction while in werebear form. Both are conditional I suppose and Druid does have others so maybe not as big of a deal.

Plus Druid has to run an aspect to turn Howl into a shout… Druid has less aspect slots…so why?


Simple they haven’t really played druid

Peak body shaming right here

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Everything they do is kind of a lesser version of what another class does better. Lesser casting than a sorcerer lesser defense and shouts than a barbarian lesser companion power than a necro etc etc. major identity issue. But hey at least they have trans mogs that look like dirty bathrobes

Honestly if they gave druids two 2h weapons and 1h weapons and fixed cringe shepards aspect druids would be pretty dope.

They need to remove so many of the conditions for aspects and skills. Almost everything applies to just one form or one damage type.

One example is if each snake boon all worked on everything instead of just earth, lightning, shapeshifting, and nature. There would be so many more options and functional build variety