Its literally one of the few more fun seasons. ive been indulging in activities that can make my character to be able to beat PIT 50. I’m on PIT 142 now but i’m still enjoying the season looking for better gear and all. Playing as a hota barb ( my all time favorite core skill) and trying to beat 150 then probably finished for the season since there are no other endgames.
are you guys doing the same or done with the season?
Not doing the same and not done with the season. Until the game is genuinely designed for pushing top pit tiers, rather than a couple builds accidentally being that strong, i won’t be bothering.
I ran a stormhorn sorc to clear the season journey and fill out enough of the witch powers. Now i’m building up a crone staff druid for fun. Neither one will break pit 80 (my sorc might be able to now, but there’s no purpose). All i care about right now is fun builds and seeing if i can get them to comfortably farm T4.
its the ones that are snapshotting that are clearing 150s with ease
I’m just chasing cheap dopamine. Already found a few perfect 4ga uniques.
I did pit 150 last season, might do it with my Barb if I get bored of the item chase this season.
Still having fun, surprisingly. Considering that I had no intention of playing this season, but my kid started playing and asked for help and I got sucked back in.
I don’t have a goal of 150, I cleared 120 on my Necro and then I made a Barb to grind XP in 95s. I also have a Druid which I started the season with.
My goal is to reach Paragon 300. I’m currently 280, and it’s bonus XP this week. Win.
this is yet another reason i’m continuing to play. to reach 300. i’m only only 256 haha
so much to go
I’ll be happy with paragon 300 and clearing 125 on rogue.