Iron skin changes and more tabs in chest

It’s been proposed months ago by many people, but nothing done, a quality of life to change Iron skin activation so that it can be triggered without being damaged first, and in that case it could gain a barrier based on % of full life or something (there are so many possibilities), cause sometimes bosses hit so hard u don’t have time to react to activate it…
another thing, PLEASE add more chest tabs for loot!!

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Iron Skin should be changed as follows:

Iron Skin
12 second cooldown

Steel yourself gaining a Barrier that absorbs 50% of your Maximum HP for 5 seconds.

Enhanced Iron Skin

Iron Skin grants Unstoppable and 40% Damage Reduction.

Tactical Iron Skin

Heal for 20% of your Barrier’s original amount as Life per Second. Any Overhealing generates Fury instead.

Strategic Iron Skin

Gain x% Fortify whenever you deal damage while Iron Skin is active. Once Iron Skin ends, all damage absorbed gets reflected back at attackers multiplied by your Thorns value. Enemies who die from this reset Iron Skin.


Agree with both posts.

Challenging shout gives damage reduction immediately, iron skin should do the same!

Love the ideas for changing iron skin, that would be a great change.

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don’t forget the ability to trigger it whenever it’s not on cooldown

By making it provide you a Barrier based on Max Health and not missing Health, this allows it to be triggered at any time, including being used pre-emptively.

Iron Skin as a reactionary ability does not work unless it has a “Death Save” feature. It is really weird how the ability works now in a game that has such high burst damage as opposed to sustained damage.


How much heat a turtle can endure while lounging with Kool-Aid is an interesting question.

try that in high pit…and also Iron skin is used in some unusual builds and also for leveling character so u have to consider others and not just ur self

Enemies stop scaling past a certain point so Pit Lvl really only means Enemy Health is increasing. This is particularly why once players reach high survivability, the only path to go is peeling off that to boost damage. It would be cool if a “slow and steady” method could be used to focus on survivability but since D4 has chosen to put Timed Content in, this is not viable and everything just becomes a DPS check.

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