Into the Endgame.. Never Forget

They should have let Bobby sat in his yacht, read the script for extra convincement


They really shouldnt have let the interns do a seniors job - i mean looking at this video it absolutley shows that they have exactly no clue what they are talking about.

They created a good looking dressup game which fails in EVRY single aspect of beeing a good ARPG (or even mmoARPG)

1.) Mob Scaling in the world
2.) Way to long leveling phase for a season based game
3.) No possibilities to interact with people (global chat, group finder you name it)
4.) Completely strange loot system (loot tiers bumps that end at 725 - no real progression after you turned roughly level 60 - loot is tied to your level when it drops so you cant even pass it on to alts and stuff… i could go on endlessly here)
5.) Worldbosses that spawn on a hidden timer in time frames normal people havent even seen one worldboss up to now
6.) super uniques on a dropchance that let mirror of kadala look like it is dropping like candy
7.) completely out of whck upgrade/reforge costs without the possibility to even see what you can get on a reforge (i mean even D3 was able to do that…) or - and this drives me most crazy – i HAVE to upgrade an item to 5 stars before i can compare it with my 5 star - in most cases thats nothing but a waste of materials
8.) i am to lazy to keep going

Stupid decisions whereever you look…


Just a bunch of suits tried to make a game


And your point is exactly?

Yeah that game director was like that in every interview. He was clueless about the game in generel.

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how am i gonna gear an alt char with no hand-me-downs
how am i supposed to trade for items which have random level requirement.

the thing which bugs me the most is, if i wanna play a build which needs a single unique to run, i cannot until i find it. which may never happen (storm wolf - tempest roar)

what am i going to do until then?
can i trade for it?
what am i going to do after i found it and wanna try a rogue build?

this is all very strange and feels estranged. how did D4 end up like this.

in D2 and PoE i can farm stuff to build wealth with which i can fund a new character or even find gear for my other characters, but in D4?
oops you’ve enjoyed your char to level 100 but now all the items are level 100 required.

what is the endgame treadmill. how am i supposed to build side chars.

i feel so unmotivated. how do you people stay motivated?


i am not motivated - currently i only log on to help my son leveling a bit.

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MMO team finishes an aRPG by turning it into WoW(Guild Wars 2). At least the story and core class design was done well.

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these dev diaries are promotion. i dont watch them because half of them is not true or maybe a vision thats never going to make it into the game.

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Wouldn’t that fall in the lines of false promises?

yes. but i think there is no law for this.

i think US did something for movie trailers but not gaming trailers oder dev diaries.

Thank god I don’t live in the states.

But it really wouldn’t matter IMO in the case of refunds. When its so easy to get a video of the “promises” XD.

This is the only thing that annoys me right now. But god, such annoying to spent like hours or days just to earn a single level.

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Actually i don’t find that they lied about anything in this video.

But the thing is that all of that activities were copypasted from D3 and you can’t really tell that before you played the game. No freshness at all.
So yeah it looks kinda cringe now.


So their word means???


Whoa dejavu, back to that infamous Nevalistis video…

Forges are burning bright…

And we got a mobile game built around P2W, and a :poop: overpriced excuse of a D2 expansion ~5 years later.

So basically ppl expectations are over the roof and living in some fantasy and now they are not fulfilled and we see post after posts to get some confirmation so they can feel better again.

Just remember, this is the foundation of the game which has alot potential. It all depends how they are moving forward. Not even first season out nor any expansions and ppl looking for finished product that fulfills all their needs.


How about showing us you will do work instead of going on the :poop: word of the devs.

I know I’m not buying an expansion on a limb. Stop bringing half baked products and expecting anything different.

Wow this video proves they lied. Only 30 of the 120 dungeons can be a nightmare dungeon on current patch. Meaningful rewards don’t drop from the tree, the Tree is literal vendor trash 24/7.


“The federal Lanham Act allows civil lawsuits for false advertising that “misrepresents the nature, characteristics, qualities, or geographic origin” of goods or services. 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a). The FTC also enforces false advertising laws on behalf of consumers.”

Although, Blizzard’s legal team is good enough to keep the lines blurred of anything that comes out of the public-facing development team’s mouths so I’m not sure you can build a case against them. I’m not a lawyer, though. Better call Saul.