Inner Sight, Exposure Key passive needs un upgrade/rework

Scoundrels Leathers along with Eyes in the dark has finally become meta items, and they’ve been around since launch I believe, or at least, since season 1 I think.

And yet, Scoundrels leathers still isn’t being used as designed. With the update, they’ve now made trap skills and grenade skills become core skills and giving them a 20% dmg bonus, while the meta build completely ignores the entire "inner sight’ mechanic by opting to use the Preparation specialization for the Cooldown reduction.

I believe, the design intention was to also use this alongside with the Exposure key passive as the primary way to reduce the cooldowns of traps and grenade skills while using Inner Sight. And looking at the paragon boards on Leyranna’s instinct giving dmg bonus based on core skill dmg AND the board with traps giving Crit chance and crit dmg bonuses to enemies affected - all this shows there was clearly an intention to bring this all together. Using Inner Sight with Traps, Death traps, grenades while using the Exposure key passive.

And yet, we can’t - for 2 reasons.

  1. Exposure Key passive does not offer any damage bonus or multipliers like any of the the other key passives, which means its almost impossible to scale the dmg in the endgame. It only provides utility for the CDR, despite all the aspects from grenades giving a 45% dmg bonus.
  2. Secondly, Inner Sight is inconsistent and there’s a long interval when enemies get Marked. So I have a GA scoundrels’ leathers and and after masterworking, the inner sight duration can last for 8-9 seconds. Ok, cool. But after the duration is up, I still have to find a marked enemy, and this often has quite a long delay, considering how fast the game has become. Preparation gives players a lot of control and flexibility, and enables much more efficient play, while inner sight, you’re forced to play the mini-game and waiting for it to show up.

Another point, despite now Traps supposedly being able to inherit all the stun grenade benefits, if we are using the Sabatoeur’s signet ring, which gives +Stun grenade size - I’m not sure if All the traps actually inherit the size bonus. I think maybe Caltrops and poison trap does, but it would have been interesting to see death trap also inherit the size upgrade.

Just my feedback, after trying to put this together. but I think the meta build using Prepartion and close quarters combat route is the overall better build to follow - which cleally was not the design intention.

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You can fill Inner Sight gauge by hitting non-marked enemies, just slower.

Okay… but when using Scoundrel’s leathers, would you use Inner Sight over Preparation, in the current state?

And even with the aspect of true sight which gives a higher multiplier, the downtime for Inner sight basically reduces its effectiveness.

Just like how Beastfall boots enables Preparation to be triggered consistently in the endgame, there should be a mechanic that allows Inner Sight to be up more consistently in the endgame. Something to build towards.


If we had inner vision all the time, it wouldn’t be broken. Or an aspect for it. You would lose damage, since it would take up a slot for it. I play with inner vision and the aspect that increases critical, and I know it’s not the best combination.

I play Inner Sight Flurry that used Scoundrel’s Leathers until I got Shroud.

Preparation is just too good and easily enabled with Beastfall boots, while Combo Points and Inner Sight no longer match the slower paced game that was originally released.

I suspect we won’t be getting back to a slower paced gameplay, so hopefully they can make combo points and inner sight better, along with Exposure.

Imbuements need a total rework, so that keystone is pointless until then.

I’m running Scoundrel’s Leathers / Eyes in the Dark/ Inner Sight / Exposure and it’s doing T4 just fine. I’m firing off Death Traps as fast as I can mash (though I don’t know if there’s a limit to how many can fire at once). I wish some of my damage would come from another source instead of just Death Trap, but oh well.