Ingame Shop suggestion - celtic theme

Hello everyone. Spiritborn is exactly what I wanted from a new class.

I wish there was Celtic armor to buy in the in-game shop.
I also wish there was a way to change the animations of the skills:
jaguar → wolf
gorilla → bear
eagle → owl or falcon
centipede → deer
Basically the spirits that the druid has.

The current spirits (jaguar, gorilla, eagle and centipede) are of course very harmonious for the spiritborn and the new area, don’t get me wrong. for playing in scosglen and fractured peaks the celtic theme with the druid spirits would fit perfectly.


I second this. More stuff with Celtic!

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I also would like much more Celtic representation in the game.

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I would love for blizzard to actually have a connection between druids and spiritborn since they both deal with spirits. Connections people, connections!

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Instabuy if that were to become available

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I don’t normally associate eagles as jungle living animals. I had to look it up. There’s the Harpy Eagle that lives in a jungle. But still, I’d pick another bird instead of an eagle.

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