Information about icons and symbols used in the game

Hi, looking for info about all the weird symbols and icons that I see on monsters and on the UI… Is there some guide or manual that tells me what these things mean?

For example, when I pickup loot it might have one of two icons marked on it… what are these indicating to me?

max roll had something like that i think


as for items i think there are only 2

one is the legendary aspect roll is an upgrade from your current codex saved one so you salvage that item.
the other is the greater affix

So the asterix is a greater affix (what is that?)… and the weird swirly blue thing is an aspect upgrade?

I looked over all the sites that blizzard lists for community guides, unfortunately none of them have something as basic as a UI guide or manual… so just figuring out the UI has been quite a challenge.

You’re not wrong there’s no official guide saying what the symbols mean per se, so I can understand the confusion.

In your inventory if you see a Star Symbol on the item itself, it has a Greater Affix (up to 3 or 4 depending on Legendary or Unique).

When you go to the blacksmith it can have 2 different symbols depending on if the item will be turned into a Transmog (an appearance of gear you can copy onto yourself using the wardrobe) or it will upgrade an Aspect in your Codex. If it has both symbols it means it will upgrade your codex as well as allow you to copy that piece into your wardrobe.

As far as monsters goes, I’m assuming you’ve been doing a lot of Helltides and have noticed odd symbols on the minimap? Most of those just let you know it’s an elite or a boss type enemy to be aware of.

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