I have done three attempts to log in, wait an hour queue and forever stuck at “QUEUED…” loading screen. I have reset my game, xbox & even reinstalled the beta itself with no luck. Other buddy’s have simply waited in queue and then it loads them right in.
Same here unfortunately
Same. What really sucks is they have no support options for consoles. I’m thinking everyone should just demand refunds at this point. If they can’t provide the service promised, they shouldn’t have made the promise.
It is because of the servers and us not being streamers. They all get in no issues, which I don’t have an issue with free publicity. The company should however be better run than this. This is a billion dollar company with decades of experience, this is unacceptable.
Same. If i pre-ordered this game just to get left out of beta i am going to be pissed. Ive bought every single Diablo up until now, just to get crapped on… this happens so much with blizzard. I had to do this with overwatch 2 when it came out. This is beyond stupid, and just goes to show how much they think of us
Yeah, I was able to get in at the very beginning. Got to level 2, tried to load in to the first dungeon and immediately got disconnected. Have not been able to get back in since.
7 hours of trying to get in. Queued for xx mins then you think you’ll play and was on Queued… for 3 hours before I finally hard reset xbox…61 min que, then connecting to diablo services and kicked back to Queued…again. You suck so much Blizzard, I took the weekend off specifically to play and have spent the whole day just staring at a screen. I will be getting a refund since you dangled this beta carrot for a preorder, I will look again months after launch of the final. I waited 10 years for this? Kick rocks
Same here, hope they can find a fix. Been trying all day.
Blizzard you know you f***** that up you cant even answer us about those topics
Same here, I have someone in the same house who can login with no issue but even with shortened queue times of like 12 mins I still get stuck on the Queued spinning wheel of death
I am having the same issue and have been trying to login for the last 6 hours now.
Same issue. Ive been in the queue all day on xbox. Waited nearly 4 hours (120 minutes in actual queeue timer & then 2 hours on “queued” screen) with no luck. And the same stuff - it shows 7 mins, but the stuck firever on “queued” screen. This is insane.
Same, 10 min gameplay, rest of the day in the infinite queued!
No beta = refund
I have the same issue, cannot move past the infinite queued screen, really makes you wanna re-evaluate your pre order decision
tbh it seems the issue we are having on xbox and ps are different than that on pc. i do not think they are aware of the issues on xbox and ps with the “red ring of death” for people that logged in earlier and were disconnected for whatever reason now are stuck. this is evident in the lack of response from the mods addressing consoles specifically. the xbox forums have like 30 posts where pc has 1,000’s, squeaky wheel gets the grease right?
Im wondering if anyone actually playing on xbox? My friends on pc have no issues (i mean long queues, crashes, but nothing even close as we here).
I just managed to login with a friend account, and it worked … then i logged out to try my account … surprise surprise … infinite
it clearly has something to do with game authentication and being “still logged in” from an earlier instance…i was able to get through the queues and start a character on an alt. after waiting in queue for 10 hours with my main.
Find a friend that has it on PS then log in to your account on both systems and the queue will boot one of them when both finish the queue.
Yes, it looks like this is it. i guess we just have to wait tech support fixes this mess