So, here are the issues.
People who logged in early then got the boot, are now in queue limbo.
Those who started fresh in the later afternoon and early evening are getting in fairly quickly. If they get booted, then they start having issues.
This is 100% on authentication server issue. Used to happen a lot back when I played WoW. The server is seeing us as actually being logged in. At least that is how it was explained to me back in the day.
Blizzard usually fixes this issue fairly quickly, don’t know what is taking so long.
Hopefully, this will help you, so at least you have some idea of why the fork this is happening.
I’m playing S28 on my DH to pass the time. Maybe some Mass Effect later.
Maybe you can help me. I have not been able to get past the first queue on ps5. I get to one min left and this is the warning screen i get.
“There was an issue validating the console authentication token. This could be due to a temporary outage. (Code 522)”
My question would be is this something on my end or am I experiencing the same sort of issues as everyone else. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Sorry, I can’t really help you, I am not a coder. I only know of the problem for having to deal with it many times in the past, and the similarities to what is happening now.
I am having the same issue on Xbox series X. Been trying for the past 2 days and can’t make it past this point! Please HELP!!!
Right there with you, got booted at 1330 CST yesterday and have yet to be able to log in.
Apparently, the Devs “didn’t know” about this issue until the last few hours or so. Not sure how, all it would have taken was a 10 second look at the console forums. CMs have been pretty active in the PC forums, but not here. However, a CM came here a few hours ago, so maybe it will get fixed before the early access open beta ends, no clue.
i’m on ps5, and am able to get through timed queue on my main account, and on my wife’s account, but my kids account gets stuck in infinite queue. by my math that would make it some kind of account issue rather than any game or console or connection problems. that said, my kid is pretty pissed she’s not gunna get the wolf pack, and she’s forced to play on the wife’s account atm.
having the same issue on my ps4 with two of the three accounts loading without issue, but my kids account is bugged.
This is helpful. Understanding is something that is important. Hopefully, they can get us back in. Sounds like some people who have been encountering the issue are getting back in, so I imagine that there are probably countless numbers of accounts that are being worked through to correct the issue.
Fingers crossed for everyone so that we can all get in and experience the game for ourselves during our early access period,
I’m one of the ones that got in early and now I’m in limbo
I was in the queue screen yesterday for 8hr, left my house came back still on that screen. Just got home from work and I got less than a minute for the timed queue but I’m still stuck on the queue screen đź«
This is happening to me as well (code 522)
Make sure your battlenet account is linked to your ps5, that’s what it was for me
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Same thing for me last weekend and again this weekend. Using PS5
I had this bug last weekend but was able to play on the Monday morning, I played a little bit last night but kept getting disconnected and managed to play a bit today then I got disconnected again, now I have this infinite queue bug again
I still haven’t got a character to 20 yet
Yes thank you @ rycrev
Just make sure your battlenet account is linked to your PSN …this worked for me!!!