Inferno 6 issue

I have no problems sailing through infernal 5. I go to 6 and get my rear kicked. The difficulty jump seems extreme. Spent all week running the pit to upgrade my gear with the same result. I just wamt to complete the season journey. I’m probably going to give up and beg for a uber boss carry.

I dont have time to no life this game. I see the season journey as part of the battlepass amd somethingi paid for that should be able to complete by players a little more casual. I hate to struggle every season to get the last achievement needed. I just dont think they should put a hard to complete step in it at the end.

Oh im sure ill be flamed saying this but its my feedback to blizzard. So please, give a gal a break.

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read the following post with a pissed off tone

I have felt the same way so, now I just go meta builds from Maxroll. Now days A tier means cannot complete the season journey, only S Tier can. And then content creators throw around the S Tier label on way too many builds.

Basically this season Lightning Spear Sorcerer or bust.

I had a past Season Journey, all but one challenge, finished with a build I made for fun by myself on Necro, then had to go to the meta builds for the ONE final objective.

Either make the game doable with fun builds you make on your own / working with what drops for you, or just force meta builds. It’s completely unacceptable to be able to do all but one objective.

Edit: to be clear I finished the Season Journey in S5 with a Rapid Fire Rogue. Then I made the switch to Lightning Spear Sorcerer, to be able to reach Infernal Hordes (Tier 8) as my “S Tier” rogue couldn’t hang in Infernal Hordes (Tier 7). Although I’m an exceptionally skilled player.


Im playing chain lighting so it might not be too hard to switch. I really hate when your blocked unless you play a meta.

Still, this is my frustrating every battlepass so i think i just need to stop buying them.

Last season i had to level an alt meta just to complete it. Its not worth it, id rather play alts for fun with a build i enjoy.

This game keeps making my game backlog grow so its probably for the best.

The who reason i left wow was the same, play a certain build, grind, perfect it to do higher raids them toss it all in the trash, repeat.

Thank you for the advice.


Chain Lightning can do T7 pretty easy… maybe T8, but my build isn’t sweaty enough.

If you can do tier 5, you can solo tormented bosses. You can run pit 61+ for stygian stones and passively farm neathiron at the same time.

You can use maxroll’s CL build and tweak it for your tastes.


This is what I did. I had to run pits a while to masterwork my items up a bit and then I could do a tier 6. It felt awful though so I changed my build to Perragaming’s Pen Andy and sailed through to tier 8.

Tier 7 is the sweet spot. Plenty of juice for that level of squeeze. Tier 8 i found annoying even though I can complete it.

/edited for speeling misstakes


Yeah. I gave my girlfriend the LSFO build, since she had the right drops for it. When we play together, she easily carries me through T8. When I play solo, I happily farm T7 and don’t feel like I’m missing anything. My sorc is farming neathiron for my druid :slight_smile:


Ive beem doing pit 68s since they are fast enough for me. Tried duril but the best i did was to get him to about 1/3 rd. Changed some if my gear and it feels a little better. I have a bunch of stygin stones and have done a few lesser uber bosses. Guess ill do more, at least it will break up the bordom of pits and infernos.

Thanks for the advice.

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Yeah tormented duriel has a ton of health. If you can’t smoke him fast, he’s a chore.

Any of the other bosses are easier kills with the same drop rates.

I smoked Lilith with my chain lightning build, so it’ll do almost everything once you get it ramped up.

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Thats good to know since i really don’t want to change builds. I think if i keep tweeking mu build amd leveling gear i should eventually be able to do it. Geeze i just want to complete the season journey. Thanks again.

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We’d help you out, but we didn’t renew our PS+ when our year was up.

Side note: we did tormented duriel before we got any mythics. I homebrewed our fireball and incinerate builds for that.

Chain lightning really needs Andariel’s Visage to shine. RoSS gives it another kick, but not important. You can do everything that matters without RoSS or TM… they’re nice to have though.

Thanks for the offer, i appreciate it. Im so wore out from the work i do its hard for me spend tons of time grinding. I end up playing slower than most. I run a chainsaw in the mts so im totally spent. I guess ill need to only play the top meta builds in the future amd hope for the best. Although i can see myself losing interest in the game if im not having fun. Just feels bad to complete everything jist to be blocked by one last point. But, ill keep at it , probably going to end up finding a carry. I have the mats for it.

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