Infernal Hordes experience and bugs

So far I ran 5 infernal hordes. 2 solo and 3 in party.

First immediate experience is how slow it is. Mobs take forever to spawn. 2nd is the timer. I think the timer is fine but when you try to farm a level 3 to upgrade, there are going to be characters that is way too powerful for the mobs. Yet, I still have to endure the same time window. How about offering a way to speed up the time like how the Jar Of Souls event is? As we kill fast, I should not have to wait all of the time to expire. Give us the aether rewards after the achievement for each wave is given.
3rd, The amount aether we get is very low for the amount of the rewards you get. While we are at rewards, it took me 4 level 3 attempts to get an 1 abyssal scroll. And because, im just that lucky, I became a victim of that lost scroll bug. So around all of that, i might have spent 30-40m of farming for a measly amount of gold and whatever materials I got. I think my time was better spent doing helltide at this rate. I probably gotten more than 1 GA item at least. 250 to get a guaranteed GA item? Not even know how easy it is to get it yet until I get the ability to level the keys. That about sums my preliminary experience. Im not saying it’s bad, I think killing in waves is a nice concept but please speed it up a bit more. Amount of time spent not = to the rewards.
Thanks for reading and keep up the good work!


IMO the aethers should drop at 2x the rate they currently do, and each opened small chest should give 4X the current rewards. No idea what the big chest should give, as I have never had enough aether to open one. During Season 2 Blood Harvest, we could keep gathered materials between harvests. This great idea was not adopted for the improved Helltides the next seasons, and it still isn’t used in the Infernal Horde. There is a reason why we liked Season 2. It respected our time more. Let us keep the aether between Infernal Horde runs.

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Wholeheartedly agree. We tested that and surprised we weren’t able to bank our unused aethers to get open higher chest