Infernal Horde is on solo runs with melee chars a pain

I can deal enough damage with my bash barb on T6 to quickly decimate the enemies. But every now and then I get one-shotted by somebody.

Happened lastly on the council fight 2 times in a row. That means 20 minutes of my life completely wasted.

Please increase the amount of revives or give me unlimited.
I am punished enough by the time necessary to revive me by myself.

Even on NM dungeons I have at least 4 self-revives.

Get good or prepare to become a floor-nament :wink:

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There are plenty barbarians doing T8 and pit 100+ no problem, and one shotting geared players in the fields. You’re class is fine, you just have to get better at playing without the “I win” button

I have no problem @pit 100 too.

But enemies on level 200 in pit are not the same like enemies on level 200 on Horde. Horde enemies are much more dangerous.

or garbage corpse bow hiding off screen.

What button did Barbs ever have to that dealt billions of damage to the entire screen all at once without having to move? Because that’s what Sorcs are doing now, while having better mobility than any Melee as well.

Coulda sworn Hordes were much shorter now. Or is it you spent 80% of that time on the boss?

Literally what ever build a player wanted to do on that class, every prior season.

It’s a good thing that barbarian is not far and ahead on top. Now sorc should be put in line too.

Bash only hits a tiny area in front of Barb though. Ranged classes get to do massive amounts of damage to everyone on screen at once.

Like if Bleed Bash never got nerfed at all, it would still be a “meh” at best build for Hordes because it’s got no real AoE. This is a problem with Barbs in general, they have no real AoE stuff, outside of WW which fails hard so at boss fights, it’s just not worth running anymore.

I would suggest you switch to ww as aoe damage is much more viable for hordes and bash forces you to stand still to attack which isnt ideal.

I clear solo t8 in 12-13 minutes and dont remember the last time i died.

It is basically a classic issue in most ARPGs - melee has an issue when AoE is put on a premium.

My Companion Druid can do IH7 fine but… I feel the difference between that set-up and when I am Stormslide. My “payoff” from horde is probably cut in half between the two. Boss fight is quicker on Companion though which is nice, heh