Incinerate Sorcs - a visual nightmare

Every season has its builds that is a blight on the in-game society, but nothing brings my blood to a boil faster than seeing those tri beam guys spinning in one place, making my eyes bleed. I would turn the game lowFX but since there are multiple bugs where mechanics are invivible due to that feature, I cant. I dunno if its my high nit, HDR monitor, but it is really hurting me, physically. I even turned the lights on my gaming room. Its like someone is waving his hands in front of me, I cant explain it better. Also, the fire is amazing at masking aoes on the ground. Please, read the tooltip of the attack and use it accordingly at least.


i kinda agree lol. they dont only burn enemies, but also my eyes a little ^^
i dont consider it a giant issue but yea, they are extremely visible ^^

As long as I have not invested in the blood maiden, I will usually just town portal away from those people because it is the most frustrating when they sit there and spin like idiots. I just find it impossible to see anything so I stay away from them.

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