In response to “Players have no patience”

Yeah I love it to stand around a campfire to wait five minutes for an event to start that lasts not nearly as long as i waited. Such engaging endgame.

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Actually the graphics is great when you zoom in. I have a high end workstation with 256GB of Ram and an RTX graphics card - but during normal game play in high res zoomed out - the night time in the game is too damn dark and the day time, well it is bright but at least you can see better. That problem does not exist in any game, not D3 or any Blizzard game I played, and I been a Blizzard customer for over 18 years. So on graphics in D4, it definitely needs some polishing.

i dont have these problems at all. it sounds like a settings issue. you know you can adjust your settings right?

I’m obligated to remind people that D2 “kept us captivated for 20 years” only AFTER Lord of Destruction was released. Before that, the game wasn’t nearly as popular as people make it out to be.

How come you get to express what you think, and when I expressed my humble opinions I got banned? Not fair… the one and only thing we all wanted its for Blizzard to be great again, to have a great game. Apparently our Diablo IV neighbour “x of x” is not so found of humble opinions.


Gotta admit, the morning after I did expect this post to get removed haha. But here we are !


And you’re totally right, agreed. I probably should have included that, but I was ranting :stuck_out_tongue:

I have no idea I am not a moderator. Ive had several posts taken down as well. Free speech doesnt apply here its a forums run by a business. They can do whatever they want.

I played Diablo 2 for years with no new stuff. Wrong explanation of D4 failure.
Failure explained as usual: instead of paying attention to gameplay, items, mf and pvp, just focus on what new generations ask for without realizing it’s not what they want for fun: everything easy, auto pick up, better graphics, low monster density, no trade, skins… Whatever.

I appreciate the level of articulation in your writing this. It’s hard to find other people who get it that deeply.

He absolutely IS wrong but not in the face value sense. Most players may want new content yes, but it wouldn’t take priority for most people. We want the content we already have to work better and make sense FIRST. I could care less if they add new crap. The crap we already have was steered in the wrong direction so horribly. Why would I want more of that? I want the existing stuff we have to be actually fun and somewhat challenging. And no, season 2 is not improving anything. It’s made the FUN of the game significantly worse for MOST people. The only people who don’t think so are the ones running BL sorcs and barbs, who also are okay with 1 shotting everything and no challenge or abusing glitches.

Had they have released a product that wasn’t in a BETA phase and had the appropriate level of content, people wouldn’t be so insatiable for more. This game even though it has a large world sized scale, turned out to only be like 1 or 2 acts worth of content from D2. The story was great, but actual content was REALLY diluted. They relied on basically only repeatable dungeons on launch to be an ENTIRE end game once people hit 100 and if that wasn’t bad enough, then they made it SIGNIFICANTLY EASIER to hit 100 later. What did they expect? They gave us not enough content to start, then made it even easier to do.

Well, that part is true. Gamers have always wanted more but in the past 15 years, it’s gotten extremely bad.

There will always be “those guys” who play video games 16+ hours per day, complete everything and then complain there is nothing to do, with their wisdom of “please fix!”

The other problem is that a lot went into this game expecting it to be Diablo 2 or Diablo 3 but better graphics. They forget it’s a different game. The same happened when Diablo 3 came out. People expected it to be Diablo 2 with better graphics. It took them a while to grasp that it’s not the same game.

Sad but true.

Which was absolutely best for the game. Streamers are one of the worst things to happen to games in a long time. So many of their “guides” have made many terrible players in many games.

It’s one reason I quit playing MTG. You’d go to a new venue, 19/20 people playing the exact same (card for card) deck because they saw some streamer talking about it. Nobody tried anymore.

From my many years experience with Blizzard forums, this is a combination of incompetent moderators to fake popular forum posts made that way from sock accounts which was a problem in a couple Blizzard forums I found… I cannot say for here at this time. But I’ve seen people who do that to get a bunch of likes and those same people are able to make 100% pure insult/troll posts and regardless of how many times you flag them, nothing happens.

Plenty of games out there are able to keep players engaged for hundreds of hours, without this “live service” model. (what a joke, drip feeding content as paid “expansions”)
A good game is complete at release, this Blizzard “team” is simply not able to deliver that kind of product. They focused on the micro transaction aspect and forgot to make a fun, engaging game. Now, they are a few months after release and D4 is 40% off. I give it a year max before it’s on life support.

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You’re correct, there are a lot of games like that. From my experience, there are a lot of caveats to that.

I 100% agree that good games are complete upon release. God of War, Tsushima, Horizon, etc.

I also agree that focusing on MTX shifts the focus away from “quality content”. I blame this on all the “tee hee hee, i liek ur sparkling bunny boots” people who play games for the sole purpose of dressing up, loitering in public places under the illusion that others are wooing over them who will spend an absurd amount of money because they thrive off this type of social validation.

i always hated this “just get some patience” argument whenever someone says it, its like they forget we are mortals and have hearts.

this is what xbox one from 2014 to 2020 felt like, same with xbox series x… over promising on stuff and NEVER delivering anything

thats 10 years of waiting for some game to drop that doesn’t suck (in terms of microsoft gaming), 10 years of someone’s life wasted on promises made in gaming events and interviews

imagine the nerve on these people “just wait… just wait” bro the avg human lives for 80 years… 10 years of that was wasted on xbox looking at the menu screen wondering why there isn’t a single game worth to play

What do you feel was promised for Xbox but never delivered?

I understand games do take a lot longer to make now-a-days than they did when I was a kid playing NES. Back then, you could release a new sequel the same year if you wanted and it would be good. Now, good games take a decade just to make.

you can google it bud, its the reason why ps4 and ps5 sell 3 times more than xbox, when someone buys an xbox, they give it off to their family because after about 6 months of trying to find a game to play, you realize the entire platform is bad

xbox game pass has something like 300-400 games, but the only game people do play (xbox top 50 games) is really just “forza horizon” which is like an open world gran turismo, more casual and arcady

the rest of the games… just die after 2 weeks to a month of being released

I was asking specifically what you thought they promised and didn’t deliver. It’s such a broad statement.

I have both a Series X and PS5. I loved Game Pass. I played both Ori games, Dead Cells, Doom, Forza 5 (not a motorsport fan), Halo Infinite, Hellblade, Hollow Knight, RTX Quake, Fallen Order, Shredder’s Revenge, Texas Chainsaw, Wolfenstein… didn’t play Starfield yet.

Try Pentiment, it is fun if you like narrative heavy games. Just randomly tried it one day and got drawn in.
Also Citizen Sleeper. Definitely not action games but enjoyable.

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It is not cause the platform is bad, it is because it is basically a PC, and you can do anything you can do on an Xbox on a pc. I had both, and I gave my xbox1 to my nephew back then because he just got to the age where he started liking video games more. But to me it was because I could not get PS games on my pc back then, I parted with the xbone.
Gamepass on PC is a great offering.

I appreciate the suggestions. Always looking for that next fix!