In-game auction house: Is a trading ecosystem important?

I notice that this game doesn’t have a very robust trading ecosystem, with the trade chat being a limited mechanism for trading. There seems to be a few community run websites, but don’t seem to function very well.

I’m not a game developer by any means, does anyone have a good idea of what the pros and cons are for adding an auction house to the game?

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Ok that is a very interesting post! I definitely agree with some things but I’m not so sure about earning slots / item ad placement.

From a historical perspective, what games add AHs and what games don’t? Are there games that added them late? What did it do to them?

I thought it would be cool but yes it is controversial but not intrusive or pay 2 win I hope.

Yeah reading about the Diablo III AH makes it clear that some experienced minds saw major downsides to the AH. That said, it seems that 3rd party replacements pop up like weeds to fill the gap, so why make players leave the game if they wanted to interact with trading?

A lot of your ideas bridge the gap between making the game too easy to “short ciruit” and making it possible to only play the parts of the game you like.


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What is the worse way to go?

Is it ok to give players a horrible trade experience to make it a bit harder on RMT sites?


Is is ok to give players a better trade experience but make it a bit easier on RMT sites?

I am in the camp that we should help the player base in general in trading and then do more to fight RMT. AH can be better than it was in D3. Binding purchases is one way.
But I am not in support of trading here for 99% of items and no way in game to do it so I trusting a third party site with my info to do trading. Not gud.

If you were around for the evolution of d3 you would realize what is going on. They added trading this season. But no real way to trade. They letting RMT run rampant.
What is going to happen is xpac comes out. There going to be set item or new uniques that are not tradable. And everything you trading now will be the new yellows.

We don’t need an ingame AH. Kill mobs if you want loot don’t cheapen the experience and buy gear

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