I’m not sure that they’re going to do it that way this time around, in an effort to incentivize for monetary reasons.
…but yeah, the point of this is to encourage people like myself to engage in the Seasons to get what remains within the Seasons themselves. If you can encourage people like me to participate in Seasons, as they’re intended to be played, while still getting what we want…then you’ve won the game of pleasing the most players possible.
It then also offers them more opportunity to monetize without trying to force participation.
That’s what I like, everyone getting what they want. I like sharing my cake.
Sadly, yes…you’re absolutely right.
I have other threads seeking to address that, and more to come.
Every “Improving” thread I’m making is part of an overarching idea on how I feel the game could be improved at a foundational level, it’s just that I can’t put them all in one thread…or people’s eyes would bleed.
Myself included.
The game has the potential, it just wasn’t baked long enough…
In its current state, yeah…
Like I said, I agree with you completely that the game has zero to do after the story, but that’s what I’m looking to see changed.
Otherwise, well…there’s a LOT better Rogue-lights out there…which is basically what this game REALLY is, without a good foundational core and an just an emphasis on rushed Seasons.
Unless, like I said before, the Seasons bring expansion level content…but, come on…we all know that’s not going to happen…and even if it did, the ideal would still be to have both great Seasons and a great Eternal realm working in unison to compliment one another.
Which I think is perfectly reasonable to expect from a AAA dev studio nearly owned by one of the worlds wealthiest megacorporations when they’re fishing for a live service, rather than us just shrugging and embracing the bare minimum.