Imprinting cost seem high

150 crystals for 2 handers , 75 for one handers , on a reduced drop rate for items seems dumb farm for an hour just to imprint .

also the loot explosion in the pits is meh, big fat chest and it only drops some stone thingys for crafting, granted ive only played up to tier 5 or 6 but the loot explosion should be more like season 3 vaults, yeah they pretty much useless items but are need for crafting,

so far only viable way to get yellows to salvage is helltides

would love to see teh d3 system here where we could pick up white and blue items to salvage for more mats and covert if they gonna keep the impriniting costs high


I totally agree. And you don’t even get a veiled crystal when you salvage a legendary item, only rare / yellow items.

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Yeah the cost is WAY too high, on rerolling items too. It gets even worse when you realize that the drop rate is inflated by 2x in the PTR! This would actually feel twice as bad on live servers if it remains unchanged.

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I completely agree. This is really my only concern with all the new systems. My only hope is that since we boosted to 100 maybe you would realistically have more by the time you reach this point? Either way if you lower drop rates then you have to lower costs. I used to hate farming helltides for forgotten souls for rerolls and it seems like now we will just be farming for veil crystals instead.

Another thread got a blue saying they’re looking at it, thank heavens.