Imbuements are awesome but they are very frustrating after awhile!

I really like the ability to add poison, shadow or cold to skills via Imbuements - its a really cool class feature.

However, once your attack speed goes up and cooldowns come down spamming the Imbuement button like a mad person gets tedious after awhile. The culprit is the fact Imbuements are effectively capped at 2 active instances which are instantly consumed with high attack speed.

Personally I see a three options that could deliver some QoL, either via Skills or legendary/unique aspects etc.

  1. Unique item that causes you attacks to have an X% chance to trigger the Imbuement for X seconds on activation. (replacing the 2 activations).

  2. Aspect that increases the number of Imbuement activations from 3-5 (roll dependent)

  3. Ability ‘toggle’ causing Imbuements autocast when off cooldown and another Imbuement is NOT active (I like this idea the least).

Both of these things would still require you to activate an Imbuement but would save much pain and frustration IMO. Especially in the late game where you attack lightning fast and you essentially are smashing you fingers to ensure you don’t miss an Imbuement Proc.

I know there is a Poison build that gets you halfway there which is a nicer place to be. However, it would nice to see some further QoL improvements on this. It might seem small but this is what puts me off the Rogue class the most at this point.

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Did you play the PTR?

Yes, but mainly Necro - if something has changes, let me know?

Happy to delete the thread if there has been some development I haven’t seen?

You can temper additional uses on gear now. I think it was bugged in PTR but soon youll be able to have 4-6 additional (can’t remember the max) charges of an imbuement per cooldown. Think its +2 for amulet, ring and ring so an additional 6 casts for 8 total.

Awesome, did not see that change - makes me very happy to hear!

Thanks for the info, it will be interesting to see if taking the affix is worth it or not from a damage output perspective. Certainly a nice QoL improvement in theory.

It looks to be the best or at least one of the better tempers for those slots. The only negative I can see is it is specific to the imbuement (cold, poison, shadow), so seems to push running 1 type.

Either way do want to try a Poison TB/Inner Sight without busting venoms or maybe a TB Shadow version using the alchemist aspects.

I stopped using imbuements all together because it was giving me rsi :sob:.

A forced spam on repeat is a no go for me when fighting is so frequent.

I didn’t get around to messing with Masterworking, but wouldn’t that be able to push it way beyond that?

I certainly hope so!

I had +7 charges on the ptr. The issue is that it takes up the resource slot, so if you are using a Non Combo Point build. It eats up a much needed slot for maintaining energy. With the amount of attack speed you can now get on the ptr those extra charges get consumed so fast.

They really just need to make imbues a buff that last x seconds and imbues all attacks. Master working could increase the duration. And not put it as a resource slot -_-

Just seems like everything they do benefits Combo Points, leaving the other two specs further behind.

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That’s my only fear it doesn’t actually solve the core problem, which is that you have to constantly spam the button and break your fingers in the process.