I'm Sorry but how am I suppose to test for bugs without items and resources?

How on earth am I suppose to test all the new uniques, builds and items for bugs when you give me next to nothing?

No Masterworking mats.
No Tempers.
No Items.

Before I even find anything to test … the PTR is already over lol. I’m seriously, can you at least massively increase the drop rate maybe? I’m just confused


Don’t worry. According to some armchair experts on here, we weren’t really supposed to test stuff this PTR because not all the changes are live yet…

You’re good, bro.


It gives Blizz the excuse to ignore our feedback so they can only listen to the streamers who play 16 hours a day. That was always their intent of course, but it gives them a great excuse to point to why they can dismiss the feedback of the common player.


Could you imagine the shock on the devs’ faces if Raxx or DM mained a sorc and told them they’re failing at balancing it properly? lol.

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Agreed. This PTR is a disaster so far


Are you sure you are supposed to test for bugs? Or is it the players being tested. Makes me wonder.


I do find it somewhat “coincidental” that none of the most popular content creators main sorc and it’s also the class in the worst state. I think DM is a Druid main but also he’s not super invested in the game - if Druid is bad again he’ll just shrug his shoulders and play something else - so Druid is also missing a popular voice to advocate for the class.

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Who is testing who…PTR-ception

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someone mentioned in PTR in-game chat that they want us to play all sources of content (IE leveling up fresh, doing Helltides etc) because their changes could have impacted/created bugs in other means of content that didn’t have issues prior to the changes…

TLDR, Blizzard wants us to untangle all of the wires lol

Another problem of this is that because testing is only one week, we don’t get to test any changes. Classes will be balanced however and then not really fixed until the following season. In the case of Sorc… maybe never fixed.

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