If There is NO Economy, There is NO Point in New Seasons (Core problems with this ARPG)

Are you on a Main right now, find something cool for another Class and think maybe I’ll make an Alt. Not in this game! Since whatever item you find is gated behind your character level making it impossible to farm gear to ever want to play different classes.

Do you have Forgotten souls you’re not using while your friends are struggling to get them…Why not trade them some. Not in this game!! Your friends can’t party with you they got to grind this rather boring event that spawns this resource they need EVERY OTHER HOUR for some reason.

Do you have 3 Tempest Roars or Temerity’s and your friend needs it to play the game and have fun. Just trade them one since they had bad RNG right?!! NOT IN THIS GAME!!! They just quit instead cause there is NO ECONOMY and therefor…THERE IS NO GAME!

This game has some huge core problem. It’s not a real ARPG if there is no Economy. Why are we hacking and slashing for resources and items when we can’t freely Trade or give them to friends/Alts. It’s so restricting to have the lifeblood of any ARPG absent in D4.

In any good ARPG whether it’s PoE or D2 the whole point of Seasons is to RESET the Economy. D4 doesn’t have an Economy so there is no point in a New Season.

It’s not like you have a Huge stash of Unique’s or Items for Trade or Alts that has driven down the Economy so we need a new Season to reset it. Oh wait we don’t have Huge stashes. So we can’t store things for Alts even if they fixed the item requirement problem.

I want this game to succeed. I want to play D4 for years. I don’t want this to be a play for 1 month and ditch it game that “Might” be fixed by Season 7 in 2025. It doesn’t take that long to fix these core problems and they need to be fixed NOW or there is NO POINT in doing Season 1.

Why do Season 1 without gem, sigil or more stash space. Why do Season 1 when the items you find are gated behind your character level instead of the item power. Why do Season 1 if there never was an Economy that needed to be reset?

It’s just crazy that these crucial aspects of any ARPG are just missing. Which devastates the replay value of D4. It’s crazy when I find items for other classes and they are 96 level since I found them on my Main. So I just vendor them. I don’t have the stash space for them and they have no value since you can’t use them till 96!!!

How did the Devs design this and think it was good for an ONLINE game? D4 could be good if we had stash space, could trade any resource/item. There weren’t strict item/build requirements. Then they are like Seasons will “FIX” it? How…Season 1 doesn’t address any of the problems and we never had an Economy to begin with.

I didn’t write this post because I hate D4, I want it to succeed. It’s just D4 has no soul and the Devs aren’t doing anything to give it one. I really hope they start. I really hope it’s before Season 7. Just feeling disappointed that D4 has no reason to keep playing it.


Add AH. Trading of aspects because grinding for three days straight for a good roll is awful. Trade uniques. Please blizzard. RMT can be combated and we can have a good diablo!


There is an economy. Can we stop stating things as facts that are objectively false?

You can say the economy isn’t great, or that you wish it worked differently, but to say there is no economy is just wrong


Three days?
I have a LvL 100 Barb and still haven’t found an Ancestral 1.9 Bold Chieftains Roll :joy:


There is actually a big economy for yellow trading. Just because you dont participate doesnt mean it doesnt exist lol


An economy for rares, elixirs, and services? I guess you’re okay with literally 3 things players can trade gold for; excuse me, 4 if you count royal gems (LOL). OP makes a good point, and many self-sufficient and skilled players never bought items/elixirs/services from anyone, so for them, the economy doesn’t exist unless said players are the sellers. It’s quite stupid.


On 3rd party websites cause every time you dare to mention the letters A and H on this forum, D3 players start to throw a tantrum :crazy_face:


All I’ve said is that people keep claiming things as true when they are objectively false. So no, OP does not make a good point, because he’s outright lying

Like I said - if you disagree with how trading works, cool, say that. But to claim “there’s no economy at all!!!” is literally just lying lmao


I don’t need to read anything in this thread, here is why.

D3 - Didn’t have an economy, seasons were great.

POE - I play SSF strictly, so there is no economy, and I very much enjoy POE.

Your opinion does not matter. Neither does mine for that matter.


On D2JSP DOT COM for Real Life Money.


Seasons were great … to you? Most people left D3 because it was bad. And seasons did nothing to improve it except give people some really boring excuses to waste their time and achieve nothing.


I am sitting on a bunch of perf roll ancestral rares, just waiting for people to realize how good trading is, so I can start getting some gold or other class items.

There is an economy even if it’s a small one. Quit moving the goalpost you clown

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Hot Take - If you don’t like a game you stop playing it. Good job! Since you hate D4 please just leave.


Ah yes. because everyone wants to play the game like you. There must not be a community within D4 that rly has no interest in trading. Oh wait … there’s an entire community of people that basically play solo-self-found. And entire community that continually asks for offline mode. So stop pretending like you have any kind of handle on what the people at large desire out of the game.


What a stupid take.

How about they improve the game? And let people criticize a product that they want improved.

People like you are the worst kind of people. You contribute nothing to the world, and count on others to do everything for you.


You should be able to trade for it. Lets not even get into how awful the gear requirements are in this game to play. Then you can’t trade for them. This is just bad design for an ARPG or online game. Full stop. That makes this game souless and it feels bad when you actually can’t play due to restrictions. Your fun is gated.

You obviously don’t know what an economy is. How much is a Shako worth? How about a Tempest Roar? What is the value of a perfect Rare item sword? What are the value of your Sigil’s. Gems, Forgotten souls.

We don’t even have a foundation for an Economy. These questions are easily answered in other games. Something is worth 20 Ber runes or 2 soj’s in D2. In PoE they have an orb system. D4 has NO ECONOMY because nothing is in place to get one off the floor and almost everything is restricted.


Your definition and my definition of “improvements” can be wildly different and that is ok. The issue I take is when people go around and state their opinion as a fact, which is what the title of this whole thread.

“If there is NO Economy, There is NO Point in New Seasons”

See how that is a statement. OP is not questioning “Would improving the economy make this game better”. They are stating it.

Bye Felicia

Sure, why don’t you go ahead and tell me the definition of the word “economy”?


Not really a hot take. It’s quite factual.