If Other Classes Were Designed by the Sorcerer Team

I am not sure if the lead developer for the Sorcerer class is desperately terrified that sorcerers will get out of control or perhaps was abused by a sorcerer player in some other game and so is out for revenge, but one can look at what other classes have in terms of aspects, glyphs, legendary nodes, unique items, etc. and see a bit of difference.

As example…

Bloodfeeder Glyph Additional Bonus: You have a 5% increased Critical Stike Chance against Bleeding enemies.

Does it care how the target came to bleed? No, not at all. It only cares that the target is bleeding, and then you get +5% to your Critical Strike chance when hitting it. Are you restricted in how you used that bonus Critical Strike chance? No, you are not.

By contrast Sorcerers have the Winter Glpyh:

When you Chill or Freeze an enemy, you deal 4% increased Cold damage with 10 seconds, up to 18%.

You have to Chill/Freeze the target and the benefit to dealing damage is restricted to skills which deliver Cold damage.

This suggests Bloodfeeder should be reworked:

When you cause an enemy to Bleed you gain a 1% bonus to the chance your Core damage will Critically Strike for 10 seconds, up to 5%.

Now it mirrors Winter, requiring the Barbarian make the target bleed and only working with a subset of Barbarian skills.

Or take the Rogue Legendary paragon node Tricks of the Trade:

Your Marksman skills grant your next Cutthroat skill x25% increased damage. Your Cutthroat skills grant your next Marksman skill x25% increased damage.

Can you imagine getting x25% increased damage for cycling through elemental damage types? Pretty sure the Sorcerer lead developer would have done something more like with Icefall and gate keep that type of boost to a type of skill and status condition…say like:

Your Marksman skills gain x10% increased damage to Slowed enemies, and x25% damage if to enemies that are Immobilized.

One could have endless fun re-imagining other class skills, aspects, glyphs, paragon legendary nodes, as if handled by the Sorcerer development team.


This is brilliant! Just make the dmg bonuses as mediocre as possible and the effects as conditional as possible and you have a sorc! :smiley:

Let’s reimagine the Golem legendary node as well:
Previous: Your golem has 40%x increased max life and deals 100%x increased damage.

That’s is clearly overly simplistic! Something more in line with sorcs would be:

Your golem has 4%x max life stacking up to 40%x for each enemy nearby. Your golem deals 10%x increased damage for 5 seconds after critically striking, and 20%x if the enemy is crowd controlled and affected by damage over time effects.

Now that’s sorc balance! :smiley::smiley: