If I have to play through the same starting area one more time

Loved D2 Remastered… but give it a rest.

However, I will advocate for a fast track for alts… the starting part of D4 so far is painful for vets.

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It’d be ok if we could skip all the dialogue and choreography stuff. Like auto skip. Not mash the escape key 12 times until we get to the menu and know it skipped. Half the time, things aren’t even skippable. That all has to go if we’re repeating seasons.


this is one of the reasons I never played seasons in D3 or D2. abd D4 has a looooooooot of conversations in the story…

anyway, I will not plsy any season in D4 also. seasons are for no- lifers.

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But in D2… you kind of have to play the story…again on every difficulty. So I have to kill Diablo at least 3 times just to get to the end game grind. Diablo 3 I can at least hit season play and just do adventure mode for leveling and jump strait into GR climbing and build honing. Here on D4 once you get the main quest done to lvl 5ish you get 3 different main quests that pop up for each act. So work 50% thru act 1 then skip over to act 2, then do some of act 3…then go back to act 1.


I am always over capped on rage and using that to build fortify while stacking bleeds to rupture every 10 sec on my barbarian. My necro barely used essence. My druid had a spirit deficiency…but only got to lvl 8.

Anyone remember the Diablo 2 Demo where you could only quest till blood raven and gambling was disabled? That was fun right…and we had that for a year before we got the actual game…I miss Pizza Hut demo discs.


I mean leveling 7 characters during a few days of beta with a level cap of 25, limited map acces and locked content… what do you expect? There will most likely be alternative options for alts but some things will always feel and be repetitive.

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To be fair, that’s 7 runs in like 5 days.

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Hard agree with this. I want Diablo 4 to be good and it needs criticism, but some people also need to get their expectations in check for a beta nonetheless.


But at least in D2 there are no cutscenes, just a short video after completing an act, which can be skipped completely. You are basically fighting enemies non-stop.

The waiting for the NPCs in D4 to move and start talking becomes super annoying right on the second playthrough.

Yeah i think there are too many quests that have a lot of useless running arround - for example the carry item from shrine to shrine - that might be fun one time - but having to do that with every future character - no thanks …

There also is way too much talking for a game like this - its okay for a game where you play a charcter once trough that - but not for a game where you will play the same dialogue lots of times.

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I got some news my friend…Diablo isn’t your kind of game then.

The game is LITERALLY running same crap in a never ending spiral.

been that way since Diablo 1.

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Yes but usually it was made in a way to make it less tedious since they always had in mind that players replay everything over and over.

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becaue its always gonna be tedious. That is normal for the game series.

Diablo games have their longevity (reason ppl play d2 after all these ages) due to that tedious nature.

the gameplay is solid to make it less an issue.

And think, D3 is only like 1-2h a season to 70, and another 3-4 to have a set going. Seasons will be interesting here.

We’ll have D3’s adventure mode for sure. Where you can skip the story and just go straight to question and open world exploration. I wouldn’t worry about it at all.

You probably don’t even know what adventure mode is though since you didn’t go back to play D3 at all.

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i hit escape the moment the camera starts moving after the first time watching them…literally followed the directions that pop up under the chat box/ in the corner of the screen… saved me alot of time on my toons. Can get to the first city in about 15 min.

Seems D2, but … can’t say since he forgot that you do the same in D2. Much more often. Aka you start in the same area.

Oh well , I mean D2 players were already bad in D3 forums but I was expecting them to not care for D4. Seems they are all over here too.

As many already said, they should go and play D2(R). Easy fix for them!

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I’ll try to say this as kindly as possible.

If you think D2 is the peak of gaming experience, please go back to playing that. The silent majority of players appear to enjoy this game just fine. If using th $1/hour of gaming metric, I know I’m close to 40/70 and thats just been with the beta, I can only imagine on full release.

Games as a whole evolve, things are cut, things are added. From Mario, Final Fantasy to Dark Souls, yes there is a core mechanic that defines the series, but looking at each iteration, changes to the formula are a natural progression, and as a whole elevate the product.

As for your boredom with the opening act, thats pure self inflicted boredom. You knew coming into this beta that characters were/are being wiped between now and the full release. You chose to play through all that time for whatever reason, good for you and I’m sorry it burnt you out.

I kind of conceptually agree on having a bit more variety at the very start of the game, after all, even the first Sacred had introduced a little unique beginning quest for each class which granted a bit of explanation of the mechanics, a bit of overall class contextualization in the whole story and a bit of variety at the start when replaying it with another class.

Additionally, I’m quite bored of seeing every same enemy in the same identical spot in every game… and I’m really tired of killing that same first Fallen Elite with the Mortar affix in the first dungeon every time I made a new character!

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