Ideas of contents for next step

1. Quality of Life:

  • Ability to reduce the effects of spells by applying transparency:
    1. From other players
    2. From our own character
    • Reason: It can be challenging, even when playing solo, to identify enemy spells, making combat visually exhausting and unpleasant.
  • The clan interface is not well-adapted, and the usefulness of clans is questionable.
    • Consider reworking and thinking about how to give clans more developed utility.
  • Sound design related to character death and taking damage.
    • The iconic death cries of characters from D2 should make a comeback (particularly for the Sorceress and Necromancer).
  • Ability to swap a dead Hardcore character to Softcore.
  • Community, guild, and individual interfaces that show stats like the number of monsters killed, deaths, mythics dropped, the highest level of the pit reached by the character, bosses defeated (Butcher, Duriel, etc.), the monster that has killed the player most often, and other fun and interesting stats.
  • An auction house to simplify trading, adding an “end-game” aspect by farming and selling items.
  • Display the number of health points in the health orb, as well as for resources.
  • Ability to teleport to a group member by clicking on their portrait (or adding group member TPs to each waypoint without requiring it to be in major cities).

2. Game Content:

  • More PvP to add varied End Game content.
    • Arenas where even Hardcore players could go without risking death, both solo and in groups, with rewards and leaderboards.
    • Additional leaderboards, as the current ranking system is rarely used, with uninteresting rewards and mechanics.
    • Why not have a MOBA-style system with 8 players in 4v4 matches lasting no more than 10 minutes?
  • Bosses that can spawn randomly and very rarely in the open world (Butcher, Duriel, Andariel, Varshan, etc.), with an alert message 15 minutes before their appearance, without revealing their location, and disappearing if not found within a certain time.
  • Community events, such as selling summoning materials for bosses rather than using them (similar to the Uber Diablo system with the sale of SoJ).
  • Adding unique character-bound quests, accessible only after reaching a certain level:
    • A quest that would reward players with the ability to add a GA (Gem Augment) to a legendary or unique/mythic item. For example, a quest that allows the transformation of one line of a legendary item with 1 GA and the addition of a second. A cap would be set to prevent all lines of an item from being GAs thanks to this quest.
    • A quest that allows a single affix on an item to be boosted to its maximum (usable only once per item).
      • The current quests in the game have little to no interest in terms of rewards. If the rewards above seem exaggerated, consider requiring a significant counterpart in addition to a minimum level, such as a high gold cost.

3. Classes:

  • I haven’t focused much on other classes, but here are some missing ideas or improvements that could be interesting for the Sorceress and Necromancer:
    • Sorceress:
      1. A new ice nova aspect would be great:
      • Example: The nova would now cost mana instead of having a cooldown, deal flat damage, and apply a chilling effect instead of freezing.
      1. A cap has been set for Winterglass with a maximum of 30 active conjurations. Why not modify the aspect to allow conjurations to trigger the first line with frozen orbs? A Hydra-focused build could become competitive and fun to play in endgame content.
      2. Oculus remains a troll item to this day. Why keep the random teleport? It’s not fun! The nod to D2 is poorly executed. Why not give this item more significance and consider transforming it into a mythic item?
      3. Charged Bolt is an aesthetically unpleasing and unfun skill. A change to an electric nova could please many players.
      4. Could the pet collect Crackling Energy?
      5. The same enchantments are used too often (Ice Blade, Fire Bolt, Frozen Orb). A rework of other enchantments would provide more choices, as the current selection is lacking.
    • Necromancer:
      1. The ability to change the position of summons. It would be great to be able to choose to place your summons in front of or around your character.

These are just some ideas. While they aren’t based on the PTR, I believe they are considerations that should be evaluated to bring more content to the game, improve quality of life, and make some class adjustments.