Ideas for making Combat less braindead

Maybe by adding puzzles and riddles, I just can’t figure out how an ARPG can be intellectually satisfying.
Sure there’s plenty of maths behind all the technicalities and I can confirm that I use everything on the action bar…

I log on D4 to hack’n’slash, I wouldn’t say no for a horse race (horrifying old Roman Empire style) or anything that generate blood and suffering.

The combat is the best part of D4 by a country mile tho.

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Numbers can always be adjusted.

I prioritized doing this with my rogue. The matter of fact is there is no such thing as a complex playstyle in this game, one that makes any sense anyway. What a character can do is too limited.

Which is abysmal. There are people who are satisfied, and such people could continue to be accommodated while the game is developed in a more respectable direction.

This very much becomes a possibility under my suggestion. It’s actually complex enough that I couldn’t readily think of examples and I opted to keep the examples I offered more straightforward. The point is, to have something like what you describe be possible you need the functionality for it, which the game currently does not offer. You need live button remappings. The idea I proposed is actually quite potent and flexible, but virtually no one, especially the Diablo IV team, is thinking ambitiously. I don’t see what intractable technical issue could exist to prevent implementation.

Everything beyond the most basic gameplay a game can offer. :wink:

Have the action bar refresh itself with more abilities after you use an ability. An “intellectual” door opens. No need for RPG puzzles and riddles, just a character that can do a lot more in combat. Combat is what this genre is about. Items are a reward. They are an incentive to play, but they are not the gameplay.

My interpretation of braindead combat is where everything has to be oneshotted or already dead when it gets on the screen and if it isn’t then the game is too hard and has to be made easier

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Too few skills. Maybe get rid of skills in the tree and switch to a skill gem system . . .

blizzard fears ideas, they have a plan, and it doesn’t involve you.

what it involves is making their customers pay for patches, which they rename to fool the audience so they don’t figure out the scam… drum roll yearly “expansions”

but A+ for effort

Isn’t this what PoE does? People claim it’s still braindead to play but has more options, which ameliorates some things. It’s supposed to be very much a genre game, with extra sauce. It gets the little nerds a little excited but makes no jump off the ground.

I don’t know if they necessarily fear ideas, but I agree on the following. They certainly rely on themselves to generate significant ideas (they have jobs and egos, after all), where they have been let’s be charitable and write underperforming for years. You know what they love doing though? Claiming they’re terrific listeners. :wink: It’s the American corporate way. You have your cake and eat it too.

I like diablo how it is, if you want non brain dead arpg change genre. There is WoW if you like having multiple skills to rotate with, arpg are 2 or 3 button games.

Tu reussiras jamais a faire changer ce que diablo est depuis 28 ans, un jeux arcade ou tu dois juste clicker vite vite. Tu donne des coups d’epee dans l’eau buddy. Perd pas ton temps tu changera pas une institution vielle de 28 ans qui leur a rapporter des milliards.

Given I’m not French or the double whammy of French-Canadian I had to use google translate:

You will never succeed in changing what Diablo has been for 28 years, an arcade game where you just have to click quickly. You slash your sword in the water buddy. Don’t waste your time, you won’t change a 28-year-old institution that has brought them billions.

A lot of you guys are as big of a headache as this stunted game.

Your nickname or name is french, supposed you were :sweat_smile: anyhow the translation was good.

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Well, I think I’m about tapped out at this point. Run out of ideas, feedback, and classes I’ve played. What a disappointment of resources Blizzard are. That’s what kills me. The potential is there, they just can’t think.

I really don’t know, i would like to have more skills slots and A LOT more skills… this hole spam 1 button combat is boring aff.

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IMO, the combat in D4 is the one thing that it does better than the other aRPGs like PoE and LE. It certainly looks and feels a hell of a lot better to me.

I don’t know…
I pride my mechanical ability in games, I play a lot of FPS games, can play all the souls likes or anything that requires mechanics, timing and positioning.

However even if I pick a class in games like this that are more mechanically demanding…I end up finding a build where I need to do very little to be effective. To me those are the best builds. So I am of the thought that this genre of game, where you tweak and build…is meant to strive for setup to easy success.

I think that was the final thing I wrote on this. Isn’t it catchy? Who doesn’t want to be dynamic nowadays? All the dipsticks with software and corporate jobs are all about dynamism and agility, and stuff, yet gamers are left with this static and simplistic mini-set of concurrent options to drain whatever brains they have left and transfer their money to degenerate companies and developers whose only purpose is to make money. It ain’t right, I tell ya. I wholeheartedly agree this one-button spam crap is the height of stupidity, yet billions are associated with it. I genuinely wonder what the clowns at Blizzard actually think about the game they’ve created, if they have bothered to reflect on how dumb their product is.

Yes, the ARPG bar is extremely low and on looks and feel this game tends to be better. That’s why I hang around Blizzard. I’m a looks and feel type of guy. Intelligence… negotiable. But there is a limit.

Aren’t the “souls likes” just rolling on the ground like an animal and having one or two attacks? Man, today’s gaming market has done a real number on everyone.

have you tried pitching this idea with poe or le?

I’ve had like few ideas of the kind for some time but the thing is need fix itemization first into higher versatility and flexibility ?, before beefing up the mobs a bit :slight_smile:

Yes like a :hamster:

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No, I don’t play those games. I’ve looked at the PoE forums and they seem like a cesspool. Possibly disregarded even more than these. And seriously, I’m a looks and feels gamer, to a substantial extent. The Blizzard polish attracts me. There’s a seriousness in making a game look and feel properly that I appreciate. Not coincidentally resources too. Values matter.

Exactly. :slight_smile:

I don’t feel the combat needs to change at all. This is exactly the level of button mashing I want after a long day. I’d rather see more involved boss fights than just face rolling everything though.