Idea for end game

Well, to begin with I must say that the game is evolving a lot. However, some new features could appear, or change something that the game has. Sometimes we run out of things to do, some people create a new character, some help other players, etc. My idea is for the end game, only level 100 players. These are fortresses. How is today? You finish the fortresses, 3 per region and that’s it, you’ll never do that again! But what if you could do it again? But not in the normal way, but in a “demonic invasion” of your fortress? In this case, the idea is a random fortress, with a time interval of between 3 hours or 24 hours (to be discussed) between one invasion and another. The enemies of this invaded fortress would be level 130 or higher and the Boss would be “uber”, level 100. The suggested drops would be: Summoning material for Uber Bosses, Weapons, armor and jewelry at level 925, and with a low chance of drop Ubers items. This invasion could be done solo, but the idea is for it to be for 2 or 4 players. What do you think?

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+1 I’ have been tossing the same idea around. WoW had a garrison invasion that I was 3 waves and a boss if I recall. Tho the rewards was thinking of summoning mats👍🏼

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