I Want SSFHC and leaderboards

I want SSFHC and more Leaderboard’s first to 100 - pit level - more challenges more leaderboards Hardcore feels empty need better rewards also buff or fix disconnect scrolls too low of drops rates or balancing better… I don’t care for group play or raids just want more solo content better challenges with leaderboards… And want to see other players deaths listed in chat… Ya… Thanks…


I agree that hardcore needs different titles to softcore when it comes to clearing things like Pit 150. I did it on both softcore and hardcore this season and hardcore takes a lot more effort.

Pits unfortunately are not good enough in its current state for leaderboards as it’s only 2 levels. You need something similar to greater rifts in D3 where you have more strategy and rng to play with.

Hardcore doesn’t really need SSF as trading isn’t too game breaking like it is on softcore but if they do need to add it for softcore it will come for hardcore by default.

Yes leaderboards for season and non seasonal will be a huge step for the game as it will give your eternal realm chars some value. You could actually skip a season you dont like and work on improving your eternal realm chars to take on the leaderboards and see how you manage.

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Maybe one day, doesn’t appear to be coming soon.

Agreed, I love the way WOW HC classic shows a death log so it makes the game more fun in itself…