I wanna know actual "exact" drop rate of Stygian Stone in game for today

I have been farming pit for a long time from T30 to T105. Stygian stone drop rate is extremely low like a joke. Drop rate is killing the passion of my play! I am not talking about Uber Unique items, but this stone is a reason and only way to improve our chars! No stygian stone, no improving. That is why, either drop rate must be arranged on a certain level or, Stygian stone must drop in different places as well. Otherwise, I will have no desire to play this game soon. And this is not only my concern. It is NOT fun at all to farm pit 100 times and result just 3-5 stones. Hope someone gets this message and take it seriously. Also, we are paying lots of money to play this game amoung other thousands games, I have right to ask technical questions and I wanna know exactly the number of the drop rate of this stone in game for TODAY (means with the latest patch). I am a programmer so, I know it is just a number that is written in somewhere to arrange the drop rate mathematically. Thank you.

Drop rate is around (round it to the closest integer):


The process is however random which means that there is no guaranty in getting the amount of stones corresponding to the drop rate. Sometimes, you will do better, others not.

World Bosses will sometimes drop a Stygian Stones.

I am slowly starting to believe the 18% drop rate in pit 100. The thing is, it’s too low. Might sound like a lot but if you’re doing tormented bosses you’re trading for stygian stones, or you’re not doing tormented bosses.

33% or 1/3rd of level would be more feasible. It’s a skill & gear check against the Tormented Bosses comparative to level.

i.e lvl 50 - 16.5% , lvl 100 - 33.3% , lvl 150 - 50%


Stones drop often enough from 90-105 while Master working mats farming.

Not much point though if you ask me. Last 70 Tormented boss kills I collected two Uber uniques. Feels like they ninja nerfed it when they buffed stones to me.

Feeling pointless to continue playing at this point until some updates come out.

The devs don’t play their own game and never will. Thats why they are sooooo clueless on what a good decision is.

Had one stone drop in the last four days at which point I finally after four+ seasons quit playing. Sort of the same with PTR, couldn’t get the unique I wanted to drop come hell or high water so I gave up.

They did give you an exact number for certain levels as examples… it’s in the patch-notes.

  • Tier 1: 5%
  • Tier 40: 10%
  • Tier 100: 18%
  • Tier 200: 30%

(as a side-note… they’re dropping fine as long as you do enough pits… the other day I spent multiple hours farming 101 as I needed double masterwork on 3 separate items and I had pretty bad luck, even the reset process cost at least 700 million… but in the process I got 20 stones… )

After 110 the drop rate should be 50%. They’ve already gated Bosses with other mats, there’s no need to gate them twice.