I thought people are crazy when they say they got nothing to do @ lv75+

You people are absolutely right. At this moment, there’s nothing to shoot for beside getting my char to 100 and max out the glyphs. Yea, that’s about it. I was hoping to farm uber rare unique @85+, but drop rate is not reasonable. I can’t believed they locked all the good item behind a mega lottery wall. There’s no reason to keep doing anything beside reaching 100 and max glyphs. Even with the seasons, there’s nothing to shoot for… I left Lost Ark for this? Give me hope for uber rare!!!


You have all max rolls on all your items and they are all BiS 9Except uber unique ofc), right ?

Uber lilith is dead ?


I mean there really isnt much after the campaign. Sure theres the void of players open world to explore and unlock. Really you complete the campaign and start working on NM dungeons until you get bored and quit.


It’s very boring to min max rare item atm. I’m still rocking lv70s item @ 85. Also, I don’t care about lilith, because she don’t drop anything worth me re-setting hundreds of times.


If you are into pvp find a build that can beat hota barb consistently. For me it was poison rogue. Then I made a build to beat poison rogue with Mendeln necro. Working on now trying to beat hota barb with Mendeln necro and getting close. PvP is the best endgame for theorycrafting builds and grinding optimal gear for me, and seasons should shake up the meta for endless fun

For pve I guess u can try Uber Lilith but agree the endgame is a bit boring. I suffer through nightmare dung farming for glyph xp but it’s back to pvp after. It’s just more dynamic imo


welcome to the end game that the no lifers try’d to warn us about, only for the white knights to attack them to heck and back.

no lifers laughing while smoking a cigar atm


Never liked PVP in Diablo game. The only “fun” thing I find is rolling a new class/build. But that will eventually get to the same lottery wall like my main. At least in D2 and D3, I can still looking forward to a very good drop. This game… not so much.


I have surprisingly become addicted to the PvP on my Stormclaw Druid. Little tweaks here and there. Even at 75 I’ve killed a few high-80s and 90s. If I have my Werewolf buff I can usually even hold neutral against most Rogues until those drop off and then… I die, lol

Can you link the Necromancer PvP build you’re describing? I want to Necro in s1 but the lack of PvP ability, from my viewpoint, is making me a bit tentative. =)

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Its the same thing in every game, the hardcore player reach the end first and see any problems that might exist, and it’s generally players who are good at gaming and identifying meta builds and issues with mechanics.

The casuals, bad players, etc. take a long time to reach the end and a long time to figure out how things work, so there’s a delay before they get there. But many have insecurities and/or chips on their shoulder about people who play more or better so they refuse to listen or attack the hardcore players.


who cares

he could also farm every single title in the game, but the point is it’s dry

any old content is not the same as enjoyable content


Here’s how you play necro in pvp: full glass cannon and shoot bone spears at people and hope you dont miss and you one shot them before they close melee and/or one shot you. Basically its the same as PVE, except the barbs run faster and are perma unstoppable.

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oh god… lost ark… thats the laugh of my day. but hey, you can return anytime back to lost ark cant you?

It’s nothing too crazy for the basics first off for every class look for gear with the typical pvp necessities like max life on rings and armor and as much damage reduction vs close and dodge as you can fit.

Offensively stack as much vuln damage. There is some kind of diminishing return on crit damage, but haven’t seen any proof but above 200% probably not needed. A max rolled exploiters aspect is a must for any pvp build for the cc duration against classes without perma unstoppable and massive damage against barbs and Druid with good unstoppable uptime. Some pvp builds like poison rogue to target farm Hota barb even stick the aspect on an amulet or 2-hander.

For necro specifically I made a build that tries to sit in blood mist as long as possible through cooldown reduction and decrepify lucky hit and one shot players through ring of Mendeln procs with bone prison. Minions for some reason have 50% less life in pvp so they are paper but you can use army of the dead aspect to help mitigate.

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When you quit lost ark for 10 minutes you are already 3 months behind when you log back in.


i know played it til valton, but honestly, that was a giant chore. not saying i “hate” the game. maybe ill come back someday. i also wouldnt say i might have overworked myself there… damn island tokens and mokoko seeds ^^

Gain power?

Find BiS Powers , Test new powers , Find different pieces , Power up your glyphs

Find your path of Paragon development?

Test new abilities?

Test some sub-skills that appeared funky

I still have so many things to do at level 93… I dont have enough time to do all of what i want to do ;( Sniff

Currently testing, the thing that when i Crit a Dazed target, I knock it down for 1.5 seconds, its actually pretty funny with High Lucky hit

Always thought it was a crappy subskills, now i love it

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Grinding optimal gear would be fun if it…you know…would ever drop. Still waiting on a few pieces at lvl 72. It’s kind of a bad joke at this point.


This has tended to be the loop in ARPGs in general. Different games do it somewhat different but in the end ARPGs (and MMOs) focus on grind more or less.

Yes but…

Sometimes, and I think D4 has a lot of problems here, that the more you consistently play the worse the issues begin to grind.

If I play for 2ish hours per day then the content feels fine; however, if I start breaking into constantly playing 4+ hours a day then the game does begin having some horrible flaws that grate badly.

Not sure I view that as a hardcore/casual or good/bad issue but more of the issue of grinding constantly to expose bad play patterns

Maxing out gear I do feel is a bit boring. Once I hit 90%ish power level I start not caring anymore on the power curve grind

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optimal gear is a thing for level 100. at 72 its just improving, and getting to know what you even want ^^

d2 and poe are hard carried by trade.

the only reason people played on closed bnet for so long was because you could get a mediocre piece, trade it for perfect gems, trade the perfect gems for runes, and trade the runes for a good piece of gear. and that really gave the games an extended life. any decent piece of gear, be it for you or not, was great to get because it added to the “i want enigma” bucket of wealth.

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