I still don't know how critical damage works now

Please, explain to me like I’m 5.

What does stacking critical damage stat even do, when I always do 50% more damage from critical strikes?

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First thing first are you SB? Because crit damage (And damage scaling in general) on SB
seems to work quite differently than on any other legit class

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dont listen to people who hardly know anything about d4.

Crit is pretty easy, and it actually explains you what it does when you hover over the stat with your mouse.

Critical strike damage enhances the damage critical strikes do obviously. Back then it used to be all multiplicative. Now, its 50% thats being added multiplicatively. Every other + Critical Strike damage bonus gets added together in a big bucket with other additive damage bonus.

if you still got questions, let me know.

Don’t listen to bots either

Better a helpful bot than a troll without clue :wink:

Looks like a trollbot tbh :thinking:

SO let’s say I do 100 damage and I have 350% crit strike damage stat. How would the old calculation for damage work back then and how does it work now?

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100 dmg x 3.50 crit = 350 dmg would be pretty much the old formular

now its pretty much this formular

hope it helps? sorry took a moment, doing hordes :stuck_out_tongue:

In the end, its nothing to worry too much about. The changes pretty much simplified it which damage bonuses you should pick, even tho it looks more complicated. You really just avoid damage increases that dont apply to your build, for example vulnerable, if you dont apply it. as at the end of the day, they all get summed up in one big additive bucket.

i personally dont sit here with my calculator, and to be honest, i dont know anyone that does ^^

True, but it’s better to know what to invest in. If one doesn’t know how things work, it’s hard to judge what would benefit you more when you have a choice.

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oh yea! absolutely. hence why i, to keep it simple, added that it doesnt really matter as long as you can fullfill the damage requirement. for example crit, or vulnerable etc. As it in the end all gets thrown together.

Of course there is an importance on what kind of damage you apply more reliably