I regret buying this game

All they’re doing is making the game less fun with all the nerfs they’re doing. Making the game go slower and harder than what it already is. Blizzard does not want people to have fun. Nothing should be nerfed in a PVE game. This might be the last Blizzard game I end up buying for good.


the game was never “hard”.

i do understand frustration on barb and sorc builds - but saying PVE content became “too hard”… yeaaa


Game is getting to easy…the core problem with this game is finding items isn’t fun and there is no endgame. Fix those and the game has a chance.


It is hard… I just suck (I know) but I couldn’t get anywhere really on my rogue. Made it to Nightmare and can’t get the new gear for it and am super squishy

If the game feels a little bit too hard for you have you tried lowering the difficulty?


Then how does one get the next step up in gear if they go lower?


Sadly the game handles this aspect very poorly. Because lowering the difficulty means your playtime is wasted in other aspects as maybe having some(?) fun.

Because the loot you get on lower difficulties is just useless scrap


The tried and true method of games immemorial, go back to a place where you aren’t getting destroyed and level up, then go back to the place you were having problems when you feel stronger.


That doesn’t really work here. I die in 3-5 hits from anything and leveling up is a pain in the as when you die so quickly


There are definitely periods of weakness as you enter new tiers. Not sure what you are playing build-wise, but you can do it.

I beat the capstone at 60 and def felt weak in T4, so I ran some T3 nightmares for a few more levels and then did some overland content (mostly whispers) to start getting ancestral. Once I found the right aspects and put them on legendaries, I suddenly became a lot more survivable almost instantly.

T3 > T4 was sort of an awkward transition. T3 was way too easy, but T4 was just a bit too hard. My rogue is pretty tanky now. Completely different from what it was in T3.


NM is is a pain for me. I’m super squishy and can’t do much of anything. I die like every 5 mins. It’s really annoying

What is your level, tier and build?

YES, exactly. But they arent going to fix that any time soon, they made that clear in their discussion of uniques in the last campfire chat. Uniques ARE the loot hunt, and they dont want uniques to be good. Its absolutely stupid.

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What level are you maybe I can help you out

Same. Wish I could get a refund and buy another cooy of BG3 for a friend.

Good question. I don’t really remember. I think my level is 51. What do you mean by tier? And as for my build I can not really remember …

Do they have a way to link your character on here?

Me too but they wont refund…

Most of us have the same regret. Although, if patch notes are lit today, I will be a bit happier.

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Me too. I whish i crafted it by myself. :heart:

U dumb? U cant get stronger if you lower…