I really hope S6 has a better drop rate than S5

For background, none of my gear is 3 GA. I have one 2 GA, but it’s not 925.

Last night, I did 25 tormented boss runs. That’s 25 bags full of loot.

Not one single upgrade. No mythics dropped. Not one single 3 GA dropped. Not one useful 2 GA dropped.

While I’ve transmuted a few through sparks, in five seasons, I have never had a mythic drop.

Call it whatever you want, that’s just boring to play.


No way to tell what it will be as people complained a lot on PTR.
But PTR rate was worse than s5.

And it is just a mentality shift. It is not that bad when you realize everyone is getting worse drop rates. Unless you own a webcam that is.


You always get 1 GA on anscestral items but ancestral items are much rarer. You most likely end up even worse then in S5.


Well… if the ptr droprates will stay… the droprates are going down by -99,9%
It’s ruining the fun in a loot game but hey… we dont need a lootfilter then, so less work for the devs.


I played S5 for a few weeks at very slow pace, mostly afking in town and doing helltides. I had 100+ hours of gameplay and my gear was absolute crap. Then I joined a few rotas for tormented bosses and received 3 mythical uniques in 30 minutes. That’s where I stopped playing S5, boring as hell.

If the droprate is the same as on the PTR, it will be excellent droprate. People will love it! You will have mythics in no time.

No drop rate is trash in PTR , Mythic drop rate is likely similar to live if not worse.

Quit spewing out garbage did you even read the ptr feedback?


No matter how good of a game the devs make, people will always complain. So, they should just stop listening to that and proceed with what was already cooked on the PTR. The PTR was awesome!

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Oh really? Sorry to disappoint you but there will be another major patch going in prior to final live build into S6 / VoH that will target address ptr feedback. Things are gonna change.

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Well i mean its perspective. I felt PTR was amazing because ga where not raining from the sky. I spent maybe 8 hours in T3-T4 and got about 20 ga items.

IH was not available so its hard to say but I quite enjoyed PTR. There was a sense of progression the game has not had in a very long time.


Well… sh :heart: t then. I hope you are wrong and they don’t change it for good, so that the fanboys can finally get EXACTLY what they want. And I am here to cheer for them this time. I want to be like them “the game is good, game is perfect” and let them release it in this “perfect” state. I want all the fanboys to get what they want and to see exactly how that will go.

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It would be nice if the GA isn’t on the +resist stat :smiley:


You probably don’t read social media often but from the sources i gathered and seen , reddit , twitter, forums, majority think the ptr drop rate is trash , especially in comparison to S5 and what ppl were used to.

Stay surprised i guess

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And I agree, except I spent one pit in torment 3 :stuck_out_tongue:
Until I realized that you need Ancestrals in T4, but I gave it a nice long try anyway and was able to get most Ancestrals the wrong way through the Purveyor of Curiosities.

On my throw together sorc, my last character I progressed normally through T3 and T4 and I agree I prefer this pace myself. Gear feels less like just stuff to sift through.

Ancetral Uniques is another story, and my first build uses 4 uniques, 5 if you count flickerstep but I was able to remove that one with runewords.

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I really hope S6 has a better drop rate than S5

Why do you people keep asking for the wrong things? You should be asking for better affixes on legendaries, not more trash.


The only affixes that bother me

  • Life Per Second - Remove this. It’s 100% useless.
  • Single Resist - Just make it All Resist, and lower the values. I’d far rather have 3 pieces with 15% All Resist than 3 pieces with 60% Fire, Shadow, and Poison Resist.

I can even deal with Life Per Hit, because it works in combat, and is useful for fast or multihitting attacks. I wouldn’t use it in every build, but I can use it.


Sure, I get what you’re saying but you’re looking at it the wrong way. It’s not necessarily which affixes are bad, but the LACK of good ones. Loot at the main affixes that drop on ancestral and regular legendaries.

Max life
Life on hit/kill/per sec
Flat/dot dmg

That’s ~90% of your legendary items. That’s EXTREMELY limited and results in garbage items and loot hunt. So Blizzard cranks up the drop rates to the moon and back. At least that’s the case on live.

What you actually want is making legendaries actually having good affixes in them, not only removing the bad ones. Especially ancestral legendaries since they are rare drops apparently on ptr.

Either this or bump up the drop rate. The truth is current ptr drop rate sucks and the drops sucks too so it ain’t helping to lower drop rate so much while the quality is dog sh&$ when something drops.

Way to kill a game


I agree this is a LOOT game , there were many uses for bad loot , mats , gold , etc
I liked sifting thru the gear and just going ham on selling crap.
Anybody that defends this drop rate change is definitely a fan boi , and everything they do is perfect.


They already have this on some pieces of gear “all resists” at a lower value.
Some people may just need one so what is the harm of leaving single resist at a higher value?