I played for 7 hours today and have absolutely nothing to show for it

I had the day off work. Kids are at school. Wife’s at work. I had a day to just blast D4 like a degenerate and I was really excited for it.

Played 7 whole hours uninterrupted. I had varying degrees of fun, but after all was said and done, I realized that I have absolutely nothing to show for it progression wise.

The blacksmith took all the masterworking materials I farmed and gave me nothing in return. I have less gold now than I started the day with. I did not upgrade a single codex power despite salvaging inventory full after inventory full.

I find it hard to believe that this is the endgame of D4. Just banging your head into the wall they call a blacksmith while trying to farm non-existent aspect upgrades. Any player who continues to play beyond this point in a season has way more patience than I do.

Edit - I completely forgot that I earned 4 paragon points. I’m at 257 and I think I started at 253. Since I’ve already gotten all the meaningful rare / magic nodes available in my 5 boards, that means I netted 20 DEX today. I take it all back.


Welcome to diablo 4 where they make everything grindy af to try and keep people for 3 full months of the season. A few masochists that like this sort of thing will be in here shortly to tell you that you are crying and want everything handed to you.


xpac is dog S tier imo


Yeah it’s bad. Farming for hours on end and then praying for RNG just feels so, so depressing. I love the game but it’s completely killed my excitement to log in.


IKR. I could have been playing the last 4 hours but instead Im sitting here bouncing between here, youtube, and my football forum that I go to.


I enjoyed the campaign, honestly, but I love anything Diablo lore wise. That’s not a very high bar to clear. Season 6 feels like a huge step backward from season 5 fun-wise. Progression felt strong in S5.

I understand they’re trying to lengthen the time players engage with the game each season, but they’re going about it the wrong way. If they want us to grind they gotta give us something to grind for beyond prayer groups at the blacksmith.


Quit your whining and get in there and show that blacksmith who’s boss!!


this is an obvious problem that there is no currency in d4 that has value and you could earn it just by playing for a certain time. That’s why any ARPG without trading is bad.


That is because there is no end game to D4 and you running 7 hours of mid-game designed activities once your character is pretty much beyond that results in no further progression.

Outside of a Mythic, there is really no carrot on a stick you might stumble across when playing, there is no cool crafting system you might get a drop for, there is limited gear progression outside of find the same thing your wearing only with more *.

D4 starts and ends at torment 1, when all content is unlocked to you and you do nothing but run the same mid-game progression based activities with no purpose to building the character power.


Bosses need to start dropping ancestral items. I can’t get an ancestral level 800 item to drop. I get a worthless one every hour or so.


I mean true but there is plenty that could drop to make my character feel like its progressing. It just doesnt drop. That and RNG is a joke at the blacksmith. Also at a point in paragon where its so slow (and mostly meaningless) it might as well not exist.


Yeah the lack of a proper way to farm ancestral really hamstings being able to push your character power further.

Torment doesn’t help, what activity you run doesn’t help, and even if you do get some god drop that tempers and masterworks perfectly you are now a little bit stronger, but there is nothing left that you haven’t already done before that the additional strength matters for


I made a post about this that’s still floating around. They need to make the material grind longer and give us more control over the outcome of crafting. I would rather grind for 40 hours to upgrade 1 piece of gear than grind for 2 hours and then piss it all away over and over and over again. It’s just frustrating. It’s not fun.


Exactly this. I dont mind grinding but I need to know I am making progress towards something. Otherwise that grind is just a boring slog that may get me nowhere.

Its why season 4/5 was so good because if I wanted to, I could grind alts and know that I am progressing towards a mythic. In season 5 I was lucky and the mythics actually dropped for me and I still made the alts anyways because I was having that much fun.


With paragon being account-wide I think alts could be more fun than ever. Unfortunately the drop in power going from SB to anything else just wouldn’t feel good this season.


I felt the same way but I’m still gonna start an alt tonight. I’m just confused on what I’m supposed to do after the first 60 levels.

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Even without the drop in power, I wouldn’t do it. I’m not trying to live through another frustration of not getting gear, not getting proper MW, not getting materials for that, not getting codex powers, still not getting mythics and even when I do they are kinda worthless. etc.


But you have these stories to tell your wife, i’m sure she will be incredibly understanding.


I have this experience about everytime I play for a long time… Got off today at 1pm - been playing almost 3 hours … Gained 3 paragon levels(161) and nothing really to show for it …


The paragon board and the glyph levels are the incentive for me.

It’s not worth trying to go for the best of the best gear, that’s too many 0.0000001% chances for my liking