I played 35 hours of beta, and got to 25 with each class. My Thoughts (Revised)

Disclaimer, I preemptively made a post before this, but it wasn’t as well thought out. Here is my revised version

After playing for ~35 hours this weekend, and getting each class to 25 as well as beating the story with them, I wanted to provide my feedback.

Diablo 4 is pretty damn good already. I had a ton of fun, and already can’t wait for next weekend to play again in the open beta. Hell, I can’t wait for JUNE!!! Thank you to the whole team who has worked so hard on this game. It really shows! However, I did want to provide feedback on things I noticed during my time with the beta.

There’s a bunch of other things I want to talk about in this post, but I will try to keep feedback to what we know as opposed to speculation, so my feedback will be limited to what I noticed in the beta ONLY (minus my last talking point at the end - sorry couldn’t help it, lol).

Map Overlay

I would love a map overlay option. A map that is over the screen as you play, kind of like what Diablo 2 and PoE has. It can even be a togglable option in settings for those that don’t like it. Map overlays help map navigation tremendously. Instead of relying on the small minimap or having to stop running to view the larger map, it can be right on screen at all times. This allows us to play longer and spend less time stopping to open the map.

Text Search in Skill Tree

I would love to have a text search in the skill tree. Currently, we can filter by skill tag, but it would also be a nice addition to type in the skill in a text bar and have it highlight on the map (so similar to how clicking on tags work). The skill tree is kind of hard to navigate as is, and being able to quickly find the skill I want to spend a skill point in will again, allow me more time to play the game, and less time navigating through the tree.

Better Grouping for World Events

Currently if you are in a clan (or just have a larger group of friends) and want to do a world boss with more than 4 of your members, you are pretty much out of luck UNLESS one of the additional clan members just happens to be in the same instance as you. It would be nice to form larger groups of people, as I can see world bosses being a fun clan event.


Currently, dungeons feel very “samey”. I completed all the dungeons, some of them multiple times as I was grinding levels. There’s a lot to unpack with them. While I am aware that there will be “Nightmare Dungeons” that will add affixes to dungeons, I think the base dungeon issues will only carry over to them, and not “save” them from these issues.

Dungeon objectives are sometimes tedious and long, overstaying their welcome. I am no stranger to grind, in fact I welcome it, but backtracking through empty corridors after killing all the enemies in the direction you were originally going is frankly, kind of dull feeling. There were times I went the wrong way to the Dungeon’s locked door, and had to back track all the way back around to collect one pedestal, back to the locked Dungeon door, then back to find another one. Additionally, in some dungeons there were a several long objectives in a row before you could even reach the boss.

Here are some suggestions for dungeons:

  1. Allow us to carry more than 1 pedestal/box/whatever at a time.
  2. Instead of “kill all monsters”, maybe it can be changed to “kill a % of monsters”, OR reduce the number of monsters we have to kill. They can sometimes be really far spread out, and it’s easy to lose interest when you are hunting the last few, ESPECIALLY when you have to back track.
  3. Increase base monster density, or allow monsters to respawn one time after being killed. Allowing them to respawn one time helps with the issue of empty corridor backtracking, but also doesn’t destroy the fantasy of clearing a dungeon, as they will not come back after a second time (they can even be seen as “reinforcements”).

We Need a Reason to Want to Get Powerful

Ok so here is my speculation post. I fully admit I have no idea what is coming with the official end game release, but one thing I do know is that as players, we need a reason to want to get powerful. I am sort of worried that pushing Nightmare Dungeons will amount to nothing more than pushing GRs in Diablo 3 - which already gets stale VERY quickly. There is no reason to push GRs other than getting your name on a leaderboard (and being able to carry a few more bloodshards/level gems). That will not retain players. If Nightmare Dungeons are the main content we are supposed to perusing in end game, then we should be rewarded the higher we go. And not just by being able to level glyphs higher.

However, if Nightmare Dungeons are just a power check/glyph leveling mechanic, I would like to see other rewarding end game content that REQUIRES us to min-max. Something like Uber bosses (outside of world tier bosses) that you really need to perfect you character to beat. And if we beat them, we should be rewarded with something EXTRA cool. Maybe a very unique world boss cosmetic, or some trophy items that can only be obtained by beating them.

Player retention is built around chase, drive, and the want for something. We need meaningful and rewarding things to do in order for us to want to play and min-max to get more powerful. Reward us for all the time we spend playing!

That’s it for now. Let me say again, Diablo 4 is AMAZING so far. Can’t wait to see how the game progresses season to season. It’s certainly a great canvas for whatever is to come.


OMG. You read my mind. I was thinking the exact same things while playing. I did 3 characters as well (although only got one to 25.) The overlay map- yes please! Toggling the map on/off was making me dizzy. The search for skill tree- brilliant! And I hated the excessive walking/searching in the dungeon with little rewards. But, I am very much looking forward to next weekend and June!


great minds think alike!

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I agree with you. I played 4 characters to level 25, over 30hours of gameplay and 20hours of livestream. Cant wait for next weekend to see the other classes!

I had tons of fun - i even cant remember when i had so much fun in a arpg.
Here is my full review / thoughts on it: Feedback after 25+h of beta from ARPG veteran (gaming 30+ years)

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They kept alluding that when you entered a world boss you’d be auto grouped, but you aren’t. But also its pointless since you don’t have buffs.

yeah i just think it would be cool at least take on a world boss with your whole clan - would be a nice activity since there (currently) really isn’t much else to do within them

This is really good feedback. Totally agree on everything you said. Map overlay was so shocking to me. If they can’t get this in by launch I’ll be flabbergasted. It’s how we all played Diablo. With the map overlay… to not have it is mind boggling.

Dungeons need more, and less bad objectives.

The skill tree search function with the tags worked great for me, but a search bar would be cool too. I think the root of this problem is the layout. It’s too spread out, and we can’t zoom. Hub and spoke is king for a reason. For skills, 2 modifiers is pretty weak in my opinion. I found that I could not pair certain skills together, because the synergies were so mismatched that choosing one option for this skill only gives me 1 or 2 options for later skills. Not ideal.

I also found a glaring lack of parody for CC immunity, good defensive skills in general, and resource generation between classes. CC immunity will be a requirement at high levels. Sorc has the only one button, non-conditional CC immunity. The meme class for being OP has the only CC immunity and the only damage absorption shields in the game!!! What???

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yeah i agree regarding CC as well.

and yeah the map overlay is essentially a must imo. feels so weird playing without one lol

This is great feedback and I hope the devs take the time to read it. I agree with most of your topics especially needing a better random dungeon layout or something like that.

I would also really like to see ultimate skills have their own slot and keybind.

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thank you, appreciate it! i feel like even one of these things being implemented before launch would be nice. especially the map overlay, feels weird without a it!

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