I massively regret buying this game

I am a MASSIVE diablo II fan. I played religiously growing up, on and off over the years. I played diablo three when it came out, I played it for a while and I also played that on and off over the years. When I heard about diablo four, I kept a very close eye on the game, and I stayed in tune with each teaser with nothing but excitement for a new diablo game. When the game got released, I got it with all of my friends and played it as much as I could. Something was off. I couldn’t tell what it was at first. I thought to myself “Well, maybe there’s something I’m missing. Maybe something will change?” I made multiple characters, tried to respec multiple times, and nothing. I tried to continue to push through, thinking it would be more fun at some point. It genuinely never got better. It was never even good in the first place. The classes are classic, so I’m not gonna complain about that, but the skill trees are so boring and unenticing, it doesn’t really incentivize you to keep grinding in any way. It really bummed me out, so I stopped playing it for a while. Well, after a little while I decided to give it another try, and without the rose colored lense of a fresh release, this game completely blows. With over ten years to figure things out, you’d think they would have made a game that was at least somewhat better than the other two. Well, you’re wrong. I wasted $75 on a game that totally sucks. You want a good diablo game? Get diablo II remastered, blizzard did a phenomenal job on that one. You can tell they really cared about it and put a lot of effort into it. Not this, this game blows. I should have pre ordered Baldur’s Gate III, but instead I got this heap. Don’t make the same mistake as me. Save your money and buy a real game.


Yeah I thought it was going to be very similar to D2. That they finally understood the kind of lighting in a bottle they were sitting on. A game that launched an entire successful genera today. Whoop.


I wouldn’t say I regret buying, because I know eventually it will get good and I’ll already have the game to play.

I just hate that I have to wait another 6 months to a year to get that.

I have already been waiting for the last 10 years… I literally have a clan in D3 called D4WaitingRoom - D4WR clantag. It’s around 4 years old now… ZzzZz


OP gets it. I feel you man.


Me too. It’s not an ARPG it’s whatever the developers think it is and after seeing them play it. Apparently it’s a spam A simulator and die in world tier 1 at level 50. Pathetic and disgusting. What a fat middle finger to your player base LIZARD AND I’M SHOCKED you would allow thar to happen.


Yes I could do better games wise and millions of other people that quit can do better as well. We’re gamers not idiots


Just give the dev team a few months… the numbers talk by themselves since players loss is directly related to the server costs to maintain. Decision from high jerarchy will appear sooner or later.

The skill tree is fine, it’s way better than D3’s imo.
What’s the incentive to grind in D2? Because if it’s gear then one can argue the same for D4.

D4 is fine, it’s not perfect it’s far from it but looking at it from previous games, in D2 afaik is just spamming bosses for uniques and D3 is just G/rifts. Diablo games never really had much of an endgame.

I don’t feel quite as harshly towards D4 as you and a few others in this thread; however, yeah… I’d definitely still put D2R ahead of D4 on the hierarchy of the series.

Part of the problem with D4’s grind compared to D2’s grind for gear is that D4’s just doesn;t have a real carrot on a stick for you to chase. D2 has set items for a couple of classes that are very good mid-GG items, a few mid-GG uniques, and then you can slowly see yourself building towards a runeword.

You have like 1 real chase item that is obtainable for some builds and then this ridiculous gap to uber uniques that are just… ummm… not a thing that you’ll see or can even really plan around at all. The fact you can basically end a gear slot chase at level 62 in D4 is a real problem as well.


I’d love to be proven wrong, but I don’t think the management devs have the vision to make the game better. I don’t think time will fix that. Unfortunately, I think they should step down, having done their jobs in getting it out on time, and make way for some people who have better arpg backgrounds. Only then will the game have a chance.

But if I’m wrong, I’ll be the first to admit it. And happily.


I hope diablo4 could offer a refund… its disaster


I massively regret buying this game

Nobody forced you to preorder the game

You could have waited before you bought it and seen what it was like

Prob d4 is not the game for you

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I don’t regret buying it, because I wouldn’t know how bad it is otherwise. I would have to experience it for myself to know.

“After a time, you may find that ‘having’ is not so pleasing a thing after all as ‘wanting.’ It is not logical, but it is often true.”

Immortal words of Leonard Nemoy.

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tell me bout it mate. I literally bought a new GPU specifically for this game, only to stop playing a couple of weeks after launch


imagine how the ppl feel who bought the $1100 inarius statue fully hyped how great time is going to be with d4 and now realise that this game is beyond trash lmao


I regret buying it now, when I could have gotten it on discount or game pass and launch ready later.


fr fr no cap on god.


Just a reminder, this guy I’m quoting (raffaele) goes into every negative thread and attacks anyone making a complaint. He’s like a more stealthy Singularity because he has his activity hidden. I’m forum ignoring this guy and Exiled right after I hit reply.


Just a reminder, this dude is obsessed with me and reply to my comments to get attention, plus a hater of d4, ignore him

You saw the game during weekend promo (there was no test, nobody tested a thing)
You saw “endgame” before buying.
And now you regret it?