I like one button builds and no-tactics boss fights

I would call myself a casual player. Generally I play for a short time period, but intensely, usually a week or so after season launch. Season 6 is the longest I’ve played since launch of D4.

I like it when I feel the progression of the character getting more powerful. I play soft core, so I expect to die a bunch on the journey.

In the end I want a Diablo season to turn into a cozy game of a one button build smashing everything. And now with Subo, it’s really just turns into minimap Pac Man. I love it. Don’t change that. It is relaxing for me to just zone out.

The current difficulty system is the best it’s been. I play at T4 for everything except boss fights. Drop down to T3 for boss fights so I can ignore tactics. I might miss one or two drops but the loot feels about the same. I hate the Lilith boss fight. No time for that nonsense.

I will never buy dumb looking gaudy armor skins. I’ve never bought a season pass except the initial ones I got when I preordered. However, I’m not against microtransactions for aesthetics. Just make them look good or be interesting. Heck I would pay for a simple, minimal, ALL BLACK armor skin. Just keep it minimal. I don’t want crazy spikes and horns on everything.

Or effects, I love the PoE effect aesthetic model. Take my (previously) awesome evade skill and give it a different look. I’d prob pay a few bucks for that. Do that for the popular builds of the season. Heck if they dropped some of those in the season pass, I’d buy it.

I love the titles functionality. Want more stuff like that. “The” is the best title prefix. Blizzard should have charged for that. I would have paid. Wish titles were more visible. Is “A” a prefix? If it isn’t, it should be.

I’m Blizzards target market. I play a bunch, casually, and I’m done quick with few complaints.

They are leaving money on the table. :person_shrugging:

you aren’t entirely their target market. you specifically said you dont’ buy gaudy armor skins, or battle passes. that instantly excludes you from their market.

that said, there are 1 and 2 button builds in the game. usually only a few classes have them. Even then they’re only 1-2 buttons in relatively easy content that you heavily outgear. as you’re giving up on survival and extra damage from using the others.

For me 1 or 2 button builds for farm content is fine. but bosses I do think should take a little more thought. The bosses here outside lilith are generally only a couple mechanics which are pretty simple, at least the ubers are. and very easy to play around while half asleep. Which is probably as easy as they can make them be without saying here have your loot for free. and they’re free once your geared off of them anyway. at least in present health pools.